
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 22:03:29
He said ,"My father was here two days ago" 怎么变为间接引语 what can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?中文怎么说 what can hear you with-out ears and can answer you without a mouth? 猜谜语:1.What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?2.What room has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors?3.What laarge instrument do you carry in your ears?4.What person tried to make you smile most of the time?5.Wha How to save money in univessity英文topic 英语作文 主题 how to save money 150个单词 How to budget and save money 大学英语作文120个单词左右 how difficult is it to save money? Bob has to stay at home and have a good rest .改为一般疑问句 下列说法正确的一项是( )A.本文是一篇人物传记,记叙了闻一多先生的主要事略.B.臧克家,诗人,写过《老马》一诗,以诗集《烙印》出名.C.闻一多,诗人,学者,民主战士.诗集有《红烛》《死水 shorter but are you is monkey funnier the 连词成句 Let's______the picture on the wall.A.put on B.put up C.put in D.put away 严谨的近义词和反义词 谨慎的反义词和近义词 有没有to be doing 这中结构?Did the book give the idformation you need yes,but ( )it,i had to read the entire book.A to find B to be finding我也董为什么选A 我想问B 这种结构对的还是错的?如果对,代表什么?如果错 如果一个句子说,我的笔掉了,你看见了吗?是用现在过去分词还是过去式, 精确的反义词和近义词…… 精确的近义词和反义词 精确的近义词反义词 请问北京周末哪里的英语角比较火?问问具体的时间和地点, 请问谁知道北京哪有周末英语角,请告诉我一下. 英语CET4级 英语4级 就是从we have been told 到英语CET4级英语4级就是从we have been told 到either.这个句子的言外之意是什么? —I like English but I can't study it well.-So( ).抱歉,是同一人说得,so之前没有横线A.does my brotherB.my brother isC.it is with my brother I 'd like to study English with foreignerl like English so much,so I 'd like to study English with a foreigner who likes Chinese too,we can help each other.who whould like to 二、这组歇后语的半句都是成语,你能补不上吗?氢气球上天-( ) 过河拆桥—( )老鼠爬进书箱里—( ) 屋漏又遭连夜雨—( ) 鸡给黄鼠狼拜年—( ) 狗改不了吃屎—( )飞蛾补灯—( 跪求save ,safe,safety,safely的用法 Safety,Safely,的区别\save,safe的区别 时钟6时敲6下,10秒敲完;10时敲10下,几秒敲完? why the What the bear eats为什么bear前要加the急~ Why do you put the bear in here bore to the northwest是什么意思?为什么用bear?As soon as they left his high hedges at the east of his fenced lands they turned north and then bore to the northwest.出自霍比特人.如题.