
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 15:39:09
小马虎在计算多边形的内角和时,由于少算了一个角,其余各角之和为2570°,你知道他计算的多边形的边数吗?少算的那个角是多少度? 在平行四边形ABCD中,点E在AD上,连接BE,DF平行BE交BC于点F,AF与BE交于点M,CE与DF交于点N.求证:四边形MFNE是平行四边形. 谁能给一套,八年级数学《四边形》的训练题,要难得! 阶段训练【二】A和四边形【二】A的答案.略的也写上去..1有一组邻边相等的______是菱形2对角线_______的平行四边形是矩形3在RT△ABC中,角A=90°,AB=3,BC=4,则AC=______4点A,B,C能够成三角形则,→ 1.Where`s ( ) key to the box,Jim?It`s in my bag.A.a B.the C.an D./英汉互译:2.你的尺子不在抽屉里:Your ruler ( ) ( ) the drawer.3.Under the ( ) desk is a ball,but you can`t see it.A.teacher B.of teacher C.teacher`s D.teachers4.The boy ( 怎么算出这个楼梯用多少立方混凝土?宽度是1米 长宽高各一米是一立方吗?那长宽高各两米是多少呢有人告诉我一立方是长宽高各一米相乘,比如一车土,一方是五十元,量长宽高各是一米,正好一方,然后乘五十就能算出来,那么如果长宽高各是 几道英文复合句单选题,1.【D】- _____ helps others will be helped.- So,I'm thankful to and try to help ____ has helped us.A.whoever whomever B.who whoeverC.who whomever D.whoever whoever2.【D】In the distance there is a hill,_____ stands 一道英语单选题All day long,by the side of the road ______,looking at the passing cars and people.(2010届湖南月考卷) A. was he sitting B. sat him C. did he sit D. he sat 几个英语单选题求解释.1.More than one student in my class _______( has,have )been abroad.2.When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _______ ( has,have ) not been decided yet.3.Each of the students in our class ______ great interests in 几道英语单选题,谁能给我解释一下选项的原因~I couldn't help her _A___the heavy bag for Lucy,as I was too tired at that time.A carrying B carry C with carrying D being carried(为什么不选B)The girl is lucky enough to have many pe 1哥特 条顿 高卢都是德国的前身吗?2十字军东征时有没有想打到中国?3历史上维京人和蒙古人 哪个名族更野蛮?4欧洲历史上有没有出现过大一统 欧洲能不能作为一个整体的国家存在?5拜占庭帝 请回答:(1)欧洲殖民者贩卖黑人奴隶是从什么时间开始,贩卖的原因是什么?(4分)(2)观察航线图,你认为欧洲殖民者最后从美洲运回欧洲的主要有哪些物品?(2分)(3)结合课本知识,你 关于历史的几个问题.香港哪年被割占,哪年回归,到今年回归几年了. 澳门哪年被割占,哪年回归,到今年回归几年了.七子之歌,七子指什么.七七事变,八一三事变,九一八事变的联系.谁先谁后. 抗战时期,重庆经济发展陷入困难局面是在——后抗战时期中国共产党统治地区公开发行的机关报是——哪一个国家的资产阶级革命可以用”广泛彻底,成果显著,影响深远,规模最大“来概括 一米的百分之20和2米的百分之50一样长.是判断题. 某小学要建一座长50米宽16米的长方体教学楼.为了打地基,需要挖宽1米深2米的池沟,一共要挖土多少方快急 It is hard to imagine a large city without a policeman,but such was the _____ in London in the early 18th century.A.situation B.place C.position D.condition 宽30分米的卧室里放了一张长2米、宽1米的床,剩下的面积是多少?是不是先要统一单位再计算? 一间卧室长6米,宽4米卧室的面积是多少平方米?合多少分米?合 代表面换单位 卧室的床怎么放呢? 卧室的床该如何放置? 四边形ABCD,当AB等于BC等于CD等于100,角度ABC等于120,角度BCD等于140,求面积 数学问题:求不规则四边形面积角B 90度 四边形角度、长度、面积在四边形ABCD中,∠B=∠D=90°,∠A:∠C=1:2 ,AB=2,CD=1,求:(1)∠A,∠C的度数(2)AD,BC的长度(3)四边形ABCD的面积 数学半圆O直径为2四边形面积问题 高中英语单选题,请详细说明理由?I don't like ___ of the three books.Only one in particular attract my attention.A.either B.both C.all D.any___ with his excellent work,the manager gave the young engineer a promotion.A.S The spokesman _____ himself at the desk calmly,_____ for any question from the reporters.A.seating;preparing B.seated;preparedC.seating;to prepare D.seated;to prepared ------with such apparently preverse ways of thinking it is easy to conclude that they cannot possibly reason as we reason.A faced B facing C face D to face为什么选A,我个人觉得是选Bwe cannot tolerate such dependence--------A Nor can we B no Frank's dream was to have his own shop___to produce the workings of his own hands.A thatB in whichC by whichD how凭语感也觉得是它,但是不知从语法上该如何理解.记得老师讲评时说这句不是定语从句,in和which不是连着 the castle caught fire three times in the last century,and little of the original structure___A remains B Is remained C is remaining D has been remained 这个选什么,为什么不选其他的?steve iobs as a man has gone but___he has left behind is 一个长宽高分别为150cm、40cm、60cm的长方体水箱中装有先单独打开A管,过一段时间后打开B管B管是在A管几分后开的?当时水深多少厘米?A、B两管同时进水,平均每分进水多少L?急