
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 22:33:16
Danny的名词所有格 it is very hard for him to finsh his homework by himself同义句to finish his homework by himself is very hard,还是he is hard to finish his homework by himself/ The old man devoted _____ to the educational cause. A himself B his self C by himself D him he is too nervous to enjoy himself.it is like we are not impirtant enough or something如何翻译 All of the work will be ready ____ ____ ____ ____ next week ​所有的工作将在下周准备就绪 关于概率的,数学不是很好.射手射牛的眼睛 每一次射中牛眼睛的概率是2/3 然后 假设 他要5次射中牛的眼睛3次,成功的概率是多少?自己也有算 但是不确定 ------------------------------------------------- 这种草叫什么名字?有昆虫肯吃么?为什么我看到他的叶子没被咬过?只看到叶子被病毒感染过,是因为没营养还因为能产生抗虫蛋白质?我最想知道的是上面的问题. The dish will be ready( )( )( ){5分钟以后}回填的帮帮忙,谢谢 You could never rely on George.请问这里的rely on How can you expect him to make any improvement _____you never give him a chance to have a try?A.unless B.when C.until D.even if 把它侧过来; 把它对着别人 英文翻译 黑色马褂配什么衣服?昨天买了个黑色的马褂 棉的那种 里面穿单衣差不多 那穿什么颜色的好看呢?白的?粉的?ps 马褂是长款的 刚过臀 is Galatine not good for health and be advise not to take much 三叶草的数量和生活环境? 谁知道福建草的生活环境及结构特点 “勤”字左边半个右边一个“见”读什么? 为什么不能用get interest in? my mother is ( )《interest》 in cooking. The shoes are a little for meA small B smaller The little boy's shoes are ()()(破旧) the shoes are for you and me,对吗? 军机处的职能 军机处的职能后来发生了什么变化 you look unhappy.________?_________,but my parents don't want me to do what._________?you look unhappy.________?_________,but my parents don't want me to do what._________?the robot club is a good one,i think.they think it is no use to my study .on t 什么样子的藏獒属于好藏獒? 藏獒六个月多少公斤 黑色藏獒和纯白色藏獒配出 来藏獒是什么样子 俞灏明这三个字.写成3个成语或词语.!就是包小泊原来说的那个``! 藏獒为什么爱咬呢 小藏獒在晚上一直叫怎么办?我家刚带回来一只小藏獒,他现在已经一个月了.都回来两天了,晚上还一直叫,怎么办? 求一些高雅的二个字或三个字的词语 成语也可以了 但最好是二个字的 给的越多越好不用非得带雅字的也行 埋地钢管要支墩吗