
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 20:31:10
急求09版高一人教版英语必修一上Unit2单词录音 设函数fx=sinx-√3cosx+x+1 1.由函数fx在x=0处的切线方程 2.记△ABC的内设函数fx=sinx-√3cosx+x+11.由函数fx在x=0处的切线方程2.记△ABC的内角A.B.C的对边分别为a.b.c.f'(B)=3.且a+c=2.求边长b的值 英语四级求解.买过星火整套的进太多了,刚才找了一下星火英语.谁知道这么多.我是大专生.大一刚开学,英语从来都不好.高中都没学.音标都认识不全.想在2011年12月前过四级.之前的两次试试吧 英语语法题目,要理由1:He couldn't remember_____A:what was the formulaeB:what the formulae wasC:what were the formulaeD:what the formulae were2:I'd like to have _______with you sometime this week about your approachin 请教一道英语语法题,要理由!Mayor Feinstein didn't seem ________ very much.A.able to please anybody B.pleasing anybody C.pleased anybody D.to pleasing anybody 1:More than one child here___ (be) infected with measles.2:Dancing nad skating ___(be)my favorites.3:Weeping and wailing ___(do,does) nothing towards solving the problem.4:The golden foliage ___(constitutes,constitute) a bea 不要理由21.China has made great progress __ science and technology since 1978.A.on B.in C.to D.at22.You __ park here!It's an emergency exit.A.wouldn't B.needn't C.couldn't D.mustn't23.The book has been translated into thirty languages since it __ 请教一道英语语法题,给出理由!If you had studied harder in those days,you ____ a top student now.A.should be B.could have been C.would be D.might have been 帮我看一下这篇英语作文,有没有语法错误This year's volunteer activites is different of in former year,very full of meaning.We went to visited a countryside school ,that is a quite beautiful but a poor place.We talked to with there ch 看一下这篇英语作文哪里有语法错误?In the zooIn the zoo,I see some animals.Look there,two tiger is fighting.The panda is sleeping.The monkeys are climbing trees,they are good climbers.The high giraffe is running.The elephants are walkin 帮忙修改一下这篇英语作文中的语法错误急求 谢谢了 改6个错误的 追加100分Ladies and gentlemenWelecome to our school All of our school student are happy to see you can visit our school .We think if you visit our school,we c 六年级英语演讲稿1.My holiday(我的假期) 2.My hobby(我的爱好) 3.My family(我的家庭) 4.My friend(我的朋友) 5.how should we obey the rules(我们如何遵守规则) 6.Four seasons(四季)六个任选一个,要英 求星火英语四级模拟试卷 那十套题的听力MP3 我光盘竟然用不了 2014年星火英语四级3套试卷听力一样吗 英语作文【急】中文变英语【急】Mary是一位美国女学生,去年来到你校.你跟她相处得很好,不久便成了好朋友.Mary对外语有浓厚的兴趣,汉语讲得很好;她擅长数学,勤于作业;化学课上喜欢做 绝对值小于3的所有实数的积为?详细详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 说明理由 1.With time going on,the method she had stuck ______ very effective and it is worthy of _______ .2.He had the sick girl ______ medicine to the hospital.(carry)3._____ _____ _____ (beat) the other contestants,Angela was on her own,waiting 如果函数y=4x的2次方-kx-8在【5,20】上是单调函数,则实数k的取值范围 已知f(x)=-x的平方+4x+12,当实数k在何范围内变化时,函数g(x)=f(x)-kx在区间【-2,2】上是单调函数 高一数学必修四,集合问题已知集合A={第一象限角},B={锐角},C={小于90°的角},则正确为 6.若函数f(x)=√3 sin2x+2cos²x+m在区间【0,TT/2】上的最大值为6,求常数m的值及此函数当x属于R时的最小值,并求相应的x的取值集合. 若二次函数y=mx²-3x+2m-m²的图像经过原点,则m 高中必修一英语课本多少钱 高中必修一英语书,第七面(必采纳) 高中外研版英语必修一课本答案 高中新课标英语共有几册书?每个学年各学必修几?必修1、2是高几学?必修3、4是高几学? 42.6与x的2倍的和是108.2 要解方程 42.6与x的2倍的和是108.2 X^2+7X-44=0 把一种东西的价格假设为X 求大神帮忙求下下面这个公式,把X给求出来,4/7X+(3/7X+4.5)=X 说明理由 1.-Who ______ be phoning us at this time of night?-It might be your sister.A.might B.can C.dare D.must2._____ difficut exporations are,humans have never stopped moving forward.A.Whie B.Despite C.As D.However3.-Do you bring the picture?-Y (X-2)=9(X+3)大神们帮帮忙