
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 18:59:18
周加偏旁有哪些字,还要组词 内容最好稍微长一点,问的问题多一点, 曹操的功绩曹操的军事方面的功绩 苏教版语文同步探究七年级下册44 45页课外阅读全文要课外阅读的那个文章, We have severed models of the latest design ()you can take whichever you like.A to choose B to be chosen from C for choosing D to choose form为什么选d I( ) ( ) ( ) tell my mither the good news.填3个空. 以I'll tell the good news to .为题 ,写一短篇 作文 曹操最大的功绩是什么 有谁能够帮我把所有的办公软件英文名称用中文来代替读音,例如中文你好,中文的英文读音就哈罗因为我不懂英文,可是工作中用到,别人会笑我的 求翻译 Falling leaves,withering flowers,cold winds,faint sunshine.For many people late autumn can be a season of gloom and depression.Spirits can decline into melancholy.It can be a time of feeling low and sad with common signs of anxiety,irritabi The wind blows the flowers ( ) (strong).根据所给单词的适当形式填空 Dancing In The Wind的演唱者是谁? 曹操最大的历史功绩是什么?他为什么能有如此作为? 解释一文钱难倒英雄汉 暑假作业英语题----难倒无数英雄汉说明 共5道单项选择1 Eve and Sally like tu speak_________the phone. A in B on C at2 I have _____ backpack_____yours. A same;as B the same;like C the same;as3 Listen! I hear someone 无钱难倒英雄汉翻成英文谁能把“无钱难倒英雄汉”这句话翻成英文!no money beats hero man. 11.I think they are dating.They ____a lot of each other recently.A .had seen B.had been seeing C.have seen D.have been seeing Mr.Brown,(offer)______a good job out-of-town,told his wife they would have to move. Are ____(they) new teachers from England! 我为什么活着,生命的意义在哪我不断地寻找着这个问题的答案,生命的意义在于幸运?死的时候能无悔?为了奉献?但是我却仍找不到方向,当我真正步入社会我是否会, 随着社会主义制度的建立,我国宗教的本质发生了根本的变化这句话对吗?为什么 宗教的本质是------主义,宣扬有神论 If he_____his legs yesterday, he ______the Summer Palace with us now.A. hadn’t hurt; would visitB. hadn’t hurt; would have visitedC. didn’t hurt; would visitD. didn’t hurt; would have visited这不是对过去进行假设吗?我选B答案为A when is your breakfast? when breakfast啥意思? what coiour is your schooibag?怎么回答 1.it,what,is,on(?) 2.is,cool,your,school(!)怎样连成一句话 沁园春;雪五位君王有什么共同特点 刺客列传 曹沫哪句话可以体现出曹沫行为的正义性? 刺客列传中哪句能看出曹沫行为的正义 沁园春雪为什么只写这几位皇帝 《沁园春 雪》为何没写明清两朝的皇帝?