
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:57:46
“你明白吗?”英语怎么翻译? Can you tell me -that man is 为什么不填what 问职业,而用who? 他整个早上都很忙.请用英语现在完成时翻译 谁知道这个是什么字.懂有个字 上面是一个 厌(简体) 下面是一个 鬼 字 Mary is _______ than Alice.A.more experienced a teacher B.a more experienced teacherC.more an experienced teacher D.more experienced teacher Mary’s hair is longer than_____ Sandy is ___at playing soccer than SimonA.better B .good C.wekk D.best Sandy is (tall and thin).对括号部分提问.( )( )Sandy ( Sandy 后只有一个空,look like以外还能用什么好呢? What on earth is that 与 What is that exactly (那到底是什么?) 两句一样吗? 侃的粤语读音?粤语怎么读 that is what I trying to do 是什么从句Jim,that is what I trying to do 是什么从句 求“数”字广州话读音. 闲居初夏午睡起二绝句描写了怎样的情景 侃的读音? 任务型阅读! 闲居初夏午睡起二绝句这两首古诗描写的时候什么时候的情景.还要有从古诗中找出的理由列出来 英语翻译用中文 或罗马音 来翻译英文,如有大神音译,必定造福后人,比如学日语,不要,就是音译,牙麦迭 林俊杰的one what's the difference between watching a movie and reading books求作文 april april April Fool愚人节乐一乐夫妻离婚争孩子,老婆理直气壮说:“孩子从我肚子里出来的,当然归我!”老公说:“笑话!简直是胡说八道.取款机里取出来的钱能归取款机吗?还不是谁插卡归谁! 考四级该怎么复习 APRIL FOOL'S DAI 大学考英语四级.平时应该怎样复习?..考过1次了,成绩不怎么样,不知道该怎样复习,. Last year,there 15 students in our team.This year,there are 20 students in our team.(变同义句)句型转换1.___Would you mind going back to your seat?(作否定回答)___No,not ____ ____.2.I enjiy running every morning.(改同义句)I____________ STAY FOOL,STAY HUNGRY --- YOU'LL BE HAPPY .以前男朋友在我博客里的留言, 快考四级了,怎么复习?各位高手们出招吧最好具体点 I'm not a fool,okay?someone why don't you just go to hell!You guys deserve each other!You HAPPY NOI'm not a fool,okay?someone why don't you just go to hell!You guys deserve each other!You HAPPY NOW这是完整的 "闲居初夏午睡起二绝句"描写了什么季节?一.要长!二.不能和别人的一样!三.要两首都要回答!四.要有季节!五.分明一二两首!六.要有意思! 闲居初夏午睡起二绝句描写什么时候的情景松阴一架半弓苔,偶欲看书又懒开.戏掬清泉洒蕉叶,儿童误认雨声来. 闲居初夏午睡起二绝句描写什么时的情景,从诗中找理由