
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:11:23
He first lived in a b____ with their parents there. 英语中定语不都是在修饰词后面的吗?何来后置定语,又怎么会有定语后置? I lived in the country with the farmers句子成分就是分析主语、谓语、宾语这样的. 《中国文化元素工艺设计》这门课程怎么翻译成英语的~ 中国弃学俄语,学英语.把英语作为一门课程是什么时候中国刚成立那段时期好像是学俄语的,和苏联翻脸后才开始学英语,具体时间是什么时候呢? 按首字母填空Many people in the area deid of s.after 26 days without enough food.stavation? People in the office in Japan people who work in the office should get enough____?a.works b.business c.job d.exercises 关于盼春节的习作题目? 盼春节习作你有吗? The Greens lived in London (2 yeas ago)对括号部分提问 ______ ______ the Greens ______ in London? 我的春节100字 求关于春节的故事100字.急!快点! 跪谢!on earth的用法翻译,世上究竟有真爱吗?, on earth 和on the earth 有什么区别,on earth 除了表示究竟还有在地球上的意思吗?on earth 和on the earth 有什么区别,on earth 除了表示'究竟"还有"在地球上"的意思吗? on earth 含义是什么? on earth.on the earth是啥意思? AT half past eleven,we have a r and then we have our l in the dining hallwe school at about four I like the【】【colour】dress;it’s beautiful 奶油蘑菇汤的做法? 怎么做奶油蘑菇汤 some的对应词是? some(否定句中对应词) 有谁知道some time,sometimes ,some times,sometime这几个词的区别? 有以字母"z"结尾的英文单词么 让我们试着使地球更美 怎么翻译? Steven has a lot of work to __ in the office since he has been away for quite a few daysA take upB pick upC make upD dress up Mr Zhang goes to work in his car对in his car提问 A getleman put an ad in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office全文. 百慕达奶油花用英语怎么说它是一种花,它的花语是坚韧,坚强.我想知道它的英文名是什么, 2012年6月英语三级B什么时候可以查询? 请教几句话的英语是什么(P.S:一定要正确啊!还有,最好不要用初中以上水平的单词,初中没有的单词可以用近意词代替,意思不要跑太远就好,)1.很久不见,能见到你很开心2.请不要生气,你生气大