
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 19:24:34
Did she make many mistakes last time?是这是她犯的最后一次错误吗? make the last time有没有这种说法?怎么翻译 astonish和amaze的区别哪个的使用范围可以包括另外一个,还有是不是基本上都能够互换使用? form a good habitsuggested questions1.what do you think is a good habit?2.why is the habit important for us?3.what will you do to form the good habit?谁让你回答问题了我要作文60以上 汉武帝采用罢黜百家 独尊儒术这一措施的巧妙在哪里 each of 引导的是什么从句 at one time 做插入语?此句成分分析谢谢!Each of these represented a goddess and had,at one time,been painted. My parents usually (watchu TV) after supper at night 对括号内容提问 《聊斋志异》《祝福》《茶花女》《西厢记》《史记》《水浒传》《儒林外史》《鲁宾逊漂流记》《草房子》《红楼梦》主人公和作者 汉武帝接受了谁的建议,罢黜百家独尊儒术? Wish never changes and dedicate to you you everyday the wish and you make 有典故吗 I hardly know how i can finish _ difficult a task in _ a case.A.such,so B.so,such C.so,soD.such,such Mary needs _______help.let's go and help _her___.a.our b.us Mary needs _______help.let's go and help _her___.a.our b.us 上海哪里可以买到原版的国家地理啊 朋友用英语怎么讲? 北京哪里能买到原版的国家地理杂志 过期的 come down the I am a Grade 9 studen.I have a problem.and I do not know how to deal eith it.牛津英语9A Unit3的阅读 请大家再帮我造个句子吧,用 high 和surprise,这个句子必须包括这两个单词,健康 含surprise的句子 1.he looked at the strange clothes in surprise.请问in surprise是什么词性?这个句子能不能这样表达he was surprised to look at the strange clothes.2.we saw our dog playing with our neighbour's cat .it really (让.吃惊)us.根据汉语 ______,is it necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.用such还是therefore?打错了是so和therefore ______,is it necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day.用so还是therefore?为什么? take by surprise还是by surprise Is Grandpa at home?I want to say hello to ().(用人称代词的主格或宾格) take sth by surprise 什么意思 Do you want to be___?Yes,but our house is too small.We want to___home.在横线内填空sos, take sonebody by surprise什么意思 by surprise还是take .by surprise I am all over you 是我爱你的意思吗?i am over you和i am crazy over you呢?