
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:49:21
乡村生活的好处与坏处,各五条 在乡村生活好吗?有什么好处用英语回答 这样有助于他们生活.翻译 This them .三个空 电开水器都有一些什么型号电开水器的普遍型号分为多少种? 三相四线电功率表有互感器的该怎样接线?电功率表该怎样计算? 单相电开水器和三相电开水器耗电量是一样的么?怎么计算 ()he liked to show them to other peoplemake ,bad,read ,want,tell,write ,many,so,story,afraid,show,he选哪个 如果能说出来为什么选这个更好 [海外升学的好处与坏处]英文作文the pros and cons of studying abroad in university(海外升学的好处与坏处)英文作文.250字..250词才对... I like talking to people.I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.怎么翻译? We could each call up ten people and ask them to come. I like talking to people.I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions. What is one thing people ask you do to for them?的意思What is one thing you sometimes ask another person to do for you? 求问懂西班牙语的大神!“完整的灵魂”用西班牙语怎么写?如题!真心求问精通西班牙语的大神!一定不能有语法错误啊! 求懂西班牙语的大神帮忙看下BUENOS DIAS ANGELA ,MANDAME CATALOGO O Y PAGINA WEB PARA VER LAS REFERENCIAS Y PRECIOS DE TODOS TUS ARTICULOS QUISIERA HACER COMPRAS PEQUEÑAS DE MOMENTO PARA VER EL MATERIAL Y COMPROBAR CALIDAD ,EL ENVIO SE 电风扇电机接线图电风扇电机一共有3根线 请问怎么接? 还接一个电容 电风扇电机如何接线?我的电风扇电机坏了,买了个新的准备换上,可是电机上给的图纸把我看晕了(图纸如下).不知那位朋友可以帮忙看看如何个接法,那个头是接电源的?还有就是电机是5个头 电风扇的电机如何接线我家里的一台落地钻石牌风扇坏了电机,由于没有原装的电机买,只好买一台替换.现在的问题是这样,原来的电机是六根线的,三组挡位线,一根接地线,一根启动电容进,一 电风扇怎么接线短路时插头的两根线烧断了,要怎么和里面的线相接呢? 在大城市生活有什么好处?RT 生活在城市的好处 英语 We have received the PO#19615-30.we will shipped them on October 12th.is that ok?这句话有错吗? 求安妮日记里的名句拜托各位了 3Q求安妮日记里的名句, Did you have the photos I looked forward to ____me i haven't received them.A :sent B:send C:Sending D:be sent 为啥是A呢? Mr.and Mrs .Black have five children ,and two of them are are boys.The day before yesterday was Sunday and the children had to l____.After breakfast ,Mrs Black asked her husband to take the children t____ the park ,but Mr.Black said the he had some w I have cities but there are not any house in them .I have forest,but not any trees in them.I have I have cities but there are not any house in them .I have forest,but not any trees in them.I have rivers,but there is not ang water in them.( ) A Pictur 画出由一个开关控制一盏灯,另一个开关控制两盏灯,再接一个插座的白帜灯鲜明电路的原理图和接线图.哪位电工大哥帮忙说下怎么连接的. 一个插座带开关的那种,一个灯 怎么接线?我要原理图和接线图我家一个墙壁插座2孔的加3孔的加一个灯的开关 它们3个是一体的,全在这个墙壁插座上,有一个220V交流电 我想问怎么接线才能正 住城市的好处 英文 高大的树木给城市带来了哪些好处 河流对城市的作用 树在城市中的作用是什么﹖ Did you have anyone water the trees?Yes,I had the trees watered.