
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:51:22
Make a plan with your parents1H______ your mothen do some housework.2M______ your roomclean every day.3W______ your clothes as often aspossible.4T______ enough exercises.5C______ the food by fourself.6M______ the bed yourself and go to bed on time.7R 学校修一个长60m,宽40m的长方形操场.先铺10cm厚的三合土,再铺4cm厚的煤渣.需要三合土、煤渣各多少立方? My mother is very strict and ___(make) me tired. my mother is very stict and ( )(make)me very tired()里应填make 的什么形式 my mother is very strict and makes me very tired.请大哥帮我改错 My mother is very strict and makes me very tired这句话的make加不加s这句话加s吗 育英小学修一个长120M,宽80M的长方形操场.先铺15cm厚的三合土,再铺10cm厚的煤渣,土和煤渣各多少m3 修一个120m,宽80m的长方形操场.先铺15cm的三合土,在铺10cm厚煤渣,三合土、煤渣各多少立方米? 小学修一个长50m,宽36m的长方形操场.先铺10cm厚的三合土,再铺4cm厚的煤渣.需三合土、煤渣各多少方? 诸葛亮是三国时的政治家,军事家,还是什么家 中国古代有哪些出名的政治家、军事家?最好说点生平介绍! 著名政治家、军事家的名言最好不是当代中国的 小学英语这门学科特点是什么 与英国人交流的话题 Mike and Sarsh____like this city.请问————里填什么?是don't 是aren't 还是isn't 为什么呢?请说清楚! 单项选择 Ben and Bill are twins._____ look the same. A、They B、You C、We 为什么孔子说 人之初 性本善 用“一箭双雕”造个句子,而且这个句子中,一箭双雕 的用法是错误的也就是说,用“一箭双雕”造句,不能造成什么句子! She ( ) usually ( )(not have) breafast at school He decided to take a vacation.(改为同义句)He decided ( ) ( ) a vacation. 人之初 性本善 出处? He ___ (go) to the beach on vacation. 人之初,性本善 的出处? God is not with you this time 意思 You're going too far this time 哥白尼算科学家吗? 如何解决食棉昆虫的耐食性 Honey,this time,you forget 在尼古拉·哥白尼之前为的科学献身的科学家 因为坚持哥白尼学说 最先烧死的科学家是谁 --- Your father is very strict with you.  ----____.He never lets off a single mistake of ours.A.So he is B.So is he C.He is so D.So does he答案是选A.解释一下为什么不选B或C,So开头不是要倒装吗? “人之初”“性本善”这句话对吗?