
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:26:04
急求英语高手选以下的哪个选项,He wrote his greatest novel ____.A.while working on a ship B.while he working on a shipC.while is working on a ship D.he is working on a ship 点火,要做分别用英语怎么说 我哥哥正在点火 用英文怎么说 What caused the accident remains unknown.引导词做了什么成分 What caused the accident _stones on the road.空上填were,是因为后面的stones,我有点糊涂了,什么时候看前面什么时候看后面;而且,要让我做的话,我会把它看成个主语从句,后面谓语动词用单三,为什么这 英语翻译 I had the opportunity to play the character of Ronald McDonald for the McDonald's Corporation我有幸在麦当劳公司扮演过麦当劳叔叔这个角色Ronald McDonald是谁?换成in行吗? so if中的so 和if so中的so有什么区别两者中的SO个代表什么意思呢? so,not区别说一下SO和NOT的区别 想要考取CCNA,是不是英语必须要很好呀英语需要过几级? If not So what 译 If not 什么意思 考CCNA需要什么样的英语水平 .我想学CCNA.我的英语有点差,我想在我毕业前考取CCNA, Why is fishing the writer's favourite sport?这句疑问句是不是有什么特殊的地方? 关于英文句子中wear的用法口语中是不是有些语法可以忽略不计的? 例如:You're wearing your sweater inside out.中,wear后面不是接物而不能接人的吗?还有,wear不加ing可以吗?xiexie. 谁能把高一英语必修一的课文及单词听力给我, Fantastic! There ___ a lot of meat on the plate.A.is B.are C.am D.be 语法说明 see,can,way,on,you,home,what,your 连词成句 1.There__ a lot of mutton on the plate.A.has B.have C.is D.are2.You have to be __ when you cross the street.A.care B.careful C.carefully D.careless3.Come to have dinner withe us tonight .Thanks .I__ .A.do B.did C.will D.come1.There__ a lot of mutton please tell us what you___(see)on your way home yesterday How ( ) meat is there on the plate填空 英语翻译1She wears her hair up.2The town wears an empty look.3The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps.这几句话怎么翻译? 如题,帮我用in order to造个句子 意思要简单点的,关于学习的..高一第一单元的内容..写上中文意思, 用in order to造5个不同的句子 wear和wearing的用法. the student a_____ do a lot of indoor sprots and activities. Don't forget to____at the gas station when you are on your way homeA:arriveB:go toC:reachD:stop by选哪个?为什么?(我现在正在初学英语, Nijojo Castle,Ryoanj Temple分别是什么地方?Nijojo,Ryoanj怎么读,音标是什么? Hakone,Mt Fuji,a traditional buddhist temple 的音标(国际音标), 用功夫不负有心人举事例快