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英语翻译请帮忙把下面这段话这段话翻译成英文可以吗?尊敬的工作人员你们好,网址和软件我们已经打包发送给你们了,3个软件都被你们的杀毒软件误报为病毒,我们是国内著名金融交易商,您 初二 数学 初二数学 请详细解答,谢谢! (17 11:12:56)已知一组数据a1,a2,a3,a4,a5平均数是8,则另一组数据a1+10,a2-10,a3+10,a4-10,a5+10的平均数是多少? 在四边形ABCD中,AB垂直BC,AD垂直DC,角A等于135°,BC等于6,AD等于2被根号3,求四边形ABCD的面积. 轴对称图形 (5 11:56:13)1.正方形是轴对称图形,它有4条对称轴,分别是~2.轴对称图形中,对称线段的“走向”只有两种可能:画一个图形关于某直线对称的图形时,关键是要画这个图形的重要点关   如图六,圆柱的高为10 ,底面半径为4 ,在圆柱下底面的A点处有一只蚂蚁,它想吃到上底面B处的食物,已知四边形ADBC的边AD、BC恰好是上、下底面的直径.问:蚂蚁至少要爬行多少路程才能食 关于圆的概念 半径 (22 17:58:36)下列说法中,错误的是                               一元二次方程求解!(23 18:39:21)1.一块长30米,宽20米的长方形操场,现要将它的面积增加一倍,但不改变操场的形状,问长和宽各应增加多少米?2.村里准备修一条水渠,其横截面是面积为1.6平方米的等 一元二次方程解应用题 (4 11:21:57) 小红将100元压岁钱第一次按一年定期储蓄存入“少儿银行”,到期后将本金和利息取出,并将其中的50元捐给希望工程,剩余的又全部按一年定期存入,这时存 一元二次方程 (7 21:31:10)国家为了加强对香烟产销的宏观管理,对销售香烟实行行政售附加税政策.现在知道某种品牌的香烟每条的市场价格70元,不加收付加税时.每年产销100万条,若国家征收附 初三数学一元二次方程应用 (2 21:9:44)  在等腰梯形ABCD中,AB=DC=5,AD=4,BC=10,点E在下底边BC上,若EF平分等腰梯形ABCD中,设BE为×,用×的代数式表示⊿BEF的面积.是否存在EF平分梯形ABCD的周长和面 解方程 (13 21:39:58)3*42/5x=245(x+4/5)  若方程x2-5x×cosa+1=0的一个根是2+√3,其中0°<a<90°,求sina的值. 在RT△ABC中,∠C=90°,a,b分别为∠A,∠B的对边,且满足a2-5ab+6b2=0,求tanA的值 几道英语词性转换!1.A full moon_____(rise).Now it_____(hang)over the trees.2.The film______(end)at nine and we came back home very late.3.Every day a great deal of milk_____(need)in large cities.It______(sell)in many shops,but most families___ 英语词性转换!1.At the end of last term we______(learn)two English songs.2.In 1912,Titanic______(bigin)her first trip and on it______(be)2200 people.3.The train______(just,go)when I_____(hurry)to the railway station.4.We______(not,see)each other 急!几道英语 词性转换!1.I______(go)to Beijing before an international meeting______(begin)in September.I______(invite)by CCTV recently. 2.Shanghai______(change)greatly in the past ao years. 3.Lost time______(never,find)again. 4.This kind of m 几道英语词性转换1——(suddenly)movements can make a car very difficult to control.2.——what's the ——(difference)between fiction books and non-fiction books? 英语的单词的词性的转换规律 英语 (19 21:19:57)the boy does what  the teacher是什么意思 英语 7下英语 (21 21:9:33)say to oneself   是什么意思啊      要怎么用啊NO  WELL据我所知是很了解的意思,要怎么用啊in the front of是在.的前半部分的意思吧    英语 英语 (13 21:42:33)1.My sister,an inexperienced rider,was found sitting on the bicycle (          )to balance it.A.having  tried          B.trying& 初一英语句子改错,下面这十个英语句子中每一个都有错误.把改完的句子打下来My brother likes blue and he doesn't like red.Who do they want to learn English?Because it's interesting.His uncle can runs very fast .My school s 单句改错.1.Hi,Betty.What`s happen to you?2.—What is the girls doing?—They are cleaning the room.3.Grandfather is sweeping the earth.4.Aunt is helping mother make lanterns.5.—Is your father working now?—No,he is.6.which does your mother do 初一英语单句改错1:I have an U and a M2:This's my bike 初一英语句子改错Is she still helping Li Ling? 初一英文题单句改错What language do people speak in these country? ( )———— -------- -- ------ ------- A B C D 英语 (15 13:49:54)erasers是什么意思? 初一英语对划线部分提问如:对颜色提问用what color就是这个样子,再多写几个 The sweater is 88 yuan 划线 (88 yuan)that coat is red (red)they are their T-shirt (their)those are pants (pants)the price of the skirt is 60 dollars (dollars)The green shoes are dear.(the green shoes) 关于初一英语改句子【划线部分提问】She often has some vegetables and noodles for breakfast.【划线部分提问,划线breakfast】Tom is well.【划线提问,划线well】Yesterday was November 17th【划线提问,划线November 17th 初一英语(两个句子)对划线部分提问划线,就用括号代替了these pens and books are (hers).We like (his) new dress very much. 划线提问1.I want to go to England.(对England划线提问)2.She wants to celebrate her birthday with her family.(对her family划线提问)3.He has a good plan for holidays.(改一般疑问句)4.I hope you'll have a goode time.(同义词:have a g