
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:03:19
The teacher was very angry with the boy bacause all the mistakes he made in his writing ( )uncorrected.A went B became C turned D got 为什么选A? 帮忙找一些好的段落(50~100)字的,要摘抄的,字别太多(最好写好文章题目) ”进入初中“英语怎么说 我做SEO不懂英语怎样写好文章标题,是有关产品的标题且热门而又收索量少! 如何写好初中政治问答题我是一名初三学生,每门学科都还学得不错,但政治总是学的不理想,七十分的题目一般只能考四十多分,平时也做练习,但一到考试就不知道怎么写,不知道该从哪些方面 我们有一些相同点,我们也有一些不同点 的英语怎么说?我们有一些相同点不就是 we have somethings in common,我们有一些不同点怎么说? january怎么读? January 21st怎么读 如何写好原材料供应信息标题 如何写好新颖的作文题目,一定要新颖 疑惑、抵御的近义词 After failing the test,John realized the i_____ of studying hard. A lot of students stayed in the room after the class,John included.included在这边是什么用法?John included这是独立主格么?included是被包括的意思么?改成including就不行了吧(除非including John?) she was banned from athletics for two years after failing the drug test为什么是was banned,不是has banned.不是有FOR+一段时间 关于《借钱记》的作文,如何写好这个题目? 怎么写好作 迷路了 在人生的道路上 .我小学3年纪就开始不好好学习5年纪已经学会了抽烟6年纪天天打架上课睡觉到初中上初一时已经不上了家里天天叫我去我就离家出走了半月后来天天外面瞎混后来家 새로운 시작是什么意思呢歌名 1篇初一英文日记字数50 on the ground ___ a poor boy of sixteen.A.did lie B.laid C.did lay D.lay请问选哪个,为什么? 1.when i came in,i sam the poor boy--(lie)on the ground2.the boy was in danger,but we took risks----- (help) him3.the doctor put some medicine on my arm and i ()(feel)better soon. 로그인 英语中的“桑拿”怎么说? Ways of Greeting people 作文 急啊 How much did you spend ( )the house怎么填 사ㅣ로운 음으로什么意思啊?帮我解释一下谢啦! 许多孩子喜欢喝果汁:Many children ______ _______very much the famous people talent show was ___terrific____(选出与画线单词意思相近的单词)A.wonderfull B.terrible C.bad D.good 以:The Famous Pople talent show was fantastic .The funniest performer was JimCarey开头的英语作文 눈물什么意思 英语翻译...诸如此般,我庆幸现在已经脱离了"AI部门",管理层换了老板,我将会以我全部的热情和激情投入到EPD部门的销售工作当中. 诚请英语高手帮我翻译一下文章(如题)民谣吉它发声 它是利用钢弦,震动以后,在共鸣箱内所产生共震而发出悦耳的声音的哦. 通常可以利用一个小小的工具,叫做pick,或是直接利用手指弹奏,