
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:12:01
i think nothing of the man because he is always thinking for himself.怎么翻译成中文think nothing of 玲玲看一本故事书,第一天看了全书的5分之2,第2天看了全书的45%,还剩下45页没看完,这本故事书共有多少页?一批零件,师傅单独加工要 12小时完成,徒弟每小时加工16个零件,现在师徒两人同时加 玲玲看一本96页的故事书,已经看了全书的25%,已经看了多少页? 英语翻译The Grace"In better days I've been known to listenI go to waste all my time is missingI'm mapping out my ending,it's never gonna happen nowThese things are condescendingwith everybody backing downYou pray to stars that can help you get by Because there but for the grace of God go I. 如何翻译? 翻译短语 since the dawn of time 移动APN要选什么福建泉州的20元流流量包APN要选什么 Our school is the same as yours.(保持原意)Our school is as( ) as yours. Our plan is ___ ___ ___ the Great Wall. Our plan is to walk in the country(改为同义句) 清明时节雨纷纷路上行人欲断魂借问酒家何处有牧童遥指杏花村 这首诗的故事 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂.借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村.写成一个小故事150—250字之间 “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂.借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村.”改为五言诗急! A to improve B improving C improvePracticing conversations will help [ ] your speaking?A to improve B improving C improved Only in this way _____your pronunciation 选项:a、you can improve b、you will improve c、would you Only in this way _____your pronunciation选项:a、you can improve b、you will improvec、would you improve d、can you improve 杜甫的《清明》绝句,原诗是:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂.借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村.”只动一个标点,变成一首小词,请问动哪一个?1 全名:郭若瑶适合这个的,音近的..都ok..thanks~ can you heip kids with piaying chess 为什么这里的play加ing我不懂词性,为什么plag后面加ing呢? 不需要什么德语法语,英语就行了,我的名字是谭星宇,取个尽量接近点的吧~其它的还有没有啊 These kids want to play chess with you .中的play要加ing吗?为什么? 本人想取个英文名,各位帮忙本人,女,处女座,个性内敛,有耐心,沉稳,喜爱设计还有我得名字叫杨玲玲,想跟中文名字比较匹配点的~~ Several children are away from school because of _____.Several children are away from school because of illness.为何不能用disease , _____all our kindness to help her,Sara refused to listen.A.at B.in C.for D.on 选什么 请各位帮忙取个英文名字在下姓顾,名风云.因情况需要,想取一个英文名字.因为要用很久,所以务求中听.豪迈、飘逸些, i think he needs some help.i think there are some things in her bag.请将这两句改成否定句 i think he needs help改为否定句 i think he needs help改为否定句i()think he() helpmy mother is feeling tired 对tired提问()()you mother feeling 一、I think he needs help.( 同义句) I()() he ()help.二、She is going to Disneyland with her parents.(对her parents划线提问)()()she going to Disneyland ()?三、多睡眠可以缓解疲劳()()()can h There are many photos in the exhibition .They are taken by a Chinese photographer(合并为一句)There are many photos ___ ____ ____ by Chinese photpgrapher in the exhibition There are many photos of oud Shanghai .换种表达,保持句意不变 There are ( ) ( ) ( ) photos of oudShanghai. 求英语达人The photos that were taken in Beijing attracted many children.转化省略句?转化为The photos _ in Beijing attracted many children. What's your name,please?这句话怎么翻译啊?