
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:54:04
“Near the end of each class we can talk to dur classmates about our books. For为了 the class you missed想念,we planned计划 to talk about附近 our homel 根据Today we gave our talks to the class about our favourite subjects.总结talk的常用短语. take care of yourself什么意思 过华清宫最后一句是什么 过华清宫绝句鉴赏杜牧的,原文是:长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开,红尘一骑妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来.更正:是一骑红尘 紧急.纸币的发行规律是什么 判断下列句子对(√)错(x)错误的改正过来,,1.How is your last holiday ( )2.Yesterday I was going to row a boat ( )3.I went there in spaceship( )4.He returned the kite to me( )5.I cleaned my room last night ( )6.He swam on the lake ( ) 问你们几个思想政治的问题,请用高一的知识回答.1,履行职能的货币形态分为:2,纸币发行规律是3,通货紧缩的含义4,发生原因5,结算有那俩种形式6,结算中常用的信用工具有哪些 纸币的发行规律 单质x和化合物甲反应生成化合物乙和单质y,若化合物乙常温下是气体,则单质x是什么 we go to school every day and enjoy our school life.school life is usually full of fun and thescho任务型阅读 女人的香气中那首歌词里有 you are so beautiful 的叫什么? No dream could be as beautiful as you are.中的两个as是什么词,为什么最后加的是you are?you are做什么成分的 how beautiful you are…一首歌一直单曲,出现频率最高的就这句… 公路上埋设工程管线的覆土深度是多少啊?哪个规范里有? "Take care cos i care about 雨水管道的覆土深度的界定问题?雨水管道覆土深度是指管顶到道路路面(沥青路面)吗?路面设计标高:45.5m管顶标高(管外皮):44.5m道路结构厚度:55cm覆土深度是多少? 隧道埋深与隧道覆土深度的区别?他们的定义?假如一条地铁隧道,外径6.2m,覆土10m,那么隧道埋深是10+6.2=16.2m 百度百科搜的隧道埋深定义:隧道埋深【depth of tunnel】指的是隧道开挖断面的顶部至 1.Dave often _____ (ask) his father some difficult questions.2.Why _____ Selina _____(want) to meet you on Monday? I often do some reading,but____I like to watch TV.A,sometime.B,some time.C,some times.D,sometimes Beautiful 形容词改副词 beautiful的形容词顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶 用一个词来概括beautiful and lovely beautiful同义词,可修饰girls的 Just want to ask you,Do you really love you Really love you.I hope you are my 读图(阴影部分为黑夜),回答下列问题图中E、F两点中,正在日出的是 After take good care of yourself什么意思 I would like to ask where I can find awineshop;The buffalo boy points at the village with apricots ahead.翻译成一句古诗 I would also like to ask you to I would like to ask you to admit its mistakes是什么意思?鹃児__心情和xiaozhaotaitai你们的答案相反呢,到底谁是对的,你们看仔细点哦