
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:57:27
求文档: 英语Billl: my cousin. 填完整是什么? 英语翻译 我叔叔把所有的墙都漆成了蓝色.my uncle paints all the wall blue. Lingoes里的google翻译是不是比较权威的?我刚才在用Lingoes里的google翻译,翻译出来貌似有点问题哦~ 英语翻译论大小来说 灵格斯3.68M谷歌23.5M我想知道 哪个更准确?更权威? THEY ARE FLYING KITES.对FLYING KITES提问 对划线部分提问 The children are flying kites in the park.对in the park 提问 the children are flying kites in the park.对fiying kites 进行提问[ ] the children [ ] in the park? The children are flying their kites happily (in the park) 提问 初二英语单选题:They found flying kites in the park( )A.being pleasantC.pleasantD.feeling pleasant】 A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls and nobody liked her. So she was always 41 and didn’t like to talk to others. However, one day, her mother 42 her a beautiful hair clip(发夹). When she wore it, she looked This is a little girl,And she has a little curlThis is a little girl,And she has a little curl .And when she is good,She is very ,very bad! 求类似because of you的伤感英文歌曲旋律一定要好听唯美 或者慵懒 就像right here waiting的那种 歌词也的有内容最好能发我邮箱 313882613 用was little a she girl then 连词成句each,April Fools'Day,other,on,people,play ticket,on.急。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 ____April Fool's Day,people _____ ______on each other.填什么愚人节时,人们之间互相开玩笑.九年级Unit10的一个题 On this day it is traditional for people to play tricks on each other,espenc The little girl is crying because she has just ___(break)her hand.She can`t __(find)my backpack the little girl was always crying before she found her mother改为同义句怎么该?the little girl was crying ()()()before she found her mother空格的填什么? She found a little girl who was crying. 为什么句中要用“who”?谁能补充点相关的语法知识? The little girl stopped crying when she saw her parents .(同意句) __ the little girl looks! That's true . She can't find her Teddy Bear.A A How sad B What sad C What sadly D How sadly 我觉得是D不是形容LOOKS 用副词sadly 嘛? I don“t love a girl because she is beautiful,but she is beautiful because my love her. The girl c___ her diet because she wants to be healthier.(首字母填空) The girl c_____ because she couldnot find her mother. 一个英语问题 She always practices ______by the river in the morning she' does' the housework 和 she always 'makes' the bed in the morningdoes和makes可以换着用吗,为什么? she always gets ( )at 6 in the morning用什么介词 脑筋急转弯:Why are people tired on April Fool’s Day? 英语翻译only怎讲? The girl is going to the WC at home and taking off her jeans英语翻译, the girl was ___her bicycle on her way home.(knocked over/knocked off) 翻译一下it knocked her socks off