
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 16:09:36
this weekend是一般现在时,还是一般将来时 这个句子的谓语是什么?How about going about going shopping this weekend? suggest i ____the only important thing she had on her mind 后面是be 还是was 还是should be ? Where the only thing she could really do in the end was get in her car,and drive off.为何用get?因为get 接在 was 后面,为何是此时态。还有后面的drive She's only watching TV.I can get her.根据实际意义.She's only watching TV.I can get her.根据现实中的意思,解释出句子. I like wearing the clothers_ from__ the __1980s__(对划线部分提问) the world (that) we live in is made up of matter.这里面我知道用which是对的,但是用that对么? insurance reminds us that we live in an unsafe world.that以后的是什么从句 空房间的这个英语咋解释?it's hard to tell that the world we live in is either a reality or a dream 琳达不太爱讲话. Linda is _______ _______ ________. 他个琳达不太爱讲话. Linda is _______ _______ ________. 他个子高且留着短发 He_______ _______ _______ _______ hair. linda is an english teacher 改成一般疑问句 When she heard the explosion,she had the ___ to telephone the police immediately.A.cleverness B.quickness C.wit D.mind请问选哪个? Linda is a good teacher.(保持句意不变) ________ ________Linda teaches! she discovered that the old man was__hearing.A hard at B hard with C hard of D hard in选哪一个为什么? The face that she saw was that of an old man中的第二个that的用法是? The face that she saw was ____ of an old man 为什么填THAT 韩愈的《马说》中的称的读音故虽有名马,祗辱于奴隶人之手,骈死于槽枥之间,不以千里称也 查字读音请问“画刂” 怎么念?画是繁体字的,它自动变成简体字了还有 “宅胄” 这个字怎么念?第二个字是在少年天子里看到的 不是的,就是这个字,只是我手上没有字典可翻,五笔都 求韩愈《调张籍》中“调”字的读音和意义韩愈《调张籍》李杜文章在,光焰万丈长.不知群儿愚,那用故谤伤.蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量.伊我生其后,举颈遥相望.夜梦多见之,昼思反微茫.徒观斧凿 A:Cathy,here is a letter for you .B:Thank you .Where is it ______?填空 韩愈中“我爱你”汉语怎么发音 When she performed in the _ of < Bright Eyes> in 1934,she was only five. 翻译:The teacher wanted to play for money. 根据所给提示完成宾语从句What will you father do?He asked me ( ) I'll look smart ,and probably will wear a suit.中的"look i will look smart ,and probably will wear a suit.和i wll probably go swimming.为什么will 和 probably的摆放顺序不同 What can I do you foryou?I want a T-Shirt for my father:下来怎么回答 week,wear,during,suit,a,will,the,I does the writer get up sundays ,ordoes he always get up 急There are some letters in the letter-box 就划线部分提问 Are there three football fields in Peter's school ________________,___________ ___________ two.完成这个句子,(填空题) 英语翻译每种10个