
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:13:09
do some washing 需要加“ing”吗? I would like to buy my son books.=I __ __ __ __ __ __ __我知道是 would you like to do sth = want to do sth .但是7个格子好像不够填 I'd like to buy a watch for my father ,(同义句改写) I'd like to ___ __ ___ ___ . 秃宝盖底下一个龙字的读音 如何使用沉香粉 沉香粉的作用 英语翻译80后生人,混迹文化单位工作多年,其实做的却是设计的工作.工作性质决定了我是昼伏夜出的动物,每当夜深人静的时候,在办公室里构思着每个版面,形象地说就是一张报纸的“脸”,是 computer june music student u的发音 The students uses computer write to a music的意思uses,music,students,to,a,write,The,computer(.)(连词成句,并写出中文意思)我是这样连起来的,如果不对,请修改! You're Milie,right?Yes,I'm.改错How is you,Andy? Yes,you're right Are these apples? want where's to buy the toy a roboy shou Il连词成句 董仲舒提出什么建议是汉武帝中央集权的理论基础 can you tell me how you study for a big test同义句can you tell me __ __ __for a big test在做题中...急谢 我国最杰出的文言短片小说集 can you tell me how I can study for a test?同意句 can you tell me ------ -------study for a test 告诉我们你是怎样为考试学习..Tell us how you study for a test.(用英语说)用英语说(5条)需自己写.不许用任何翻译器.好的话加分的说~ 1.Can you tell me_____you study _____a big oral test?2.I always read following the tape to practice p _____.还有一道:已知反比例函数Y=K/X(K不等于0)的图象与正比例函数的图象相交于A,B两点,且点A在第二象限, can you tell me how you study for a big teat? 四年级作文我喜欢的小动物 小学生四年级作文我喜欢的小动物 “和谐”的近义词都有什么?尽管面积很小(或许正因其面积小),威灵顿却好像是个完美的首都城市.小巧紧凑,适合步行,它有着令人讶异的美景,并有政府日常运营必不可少的所有部门,不至于 和谐的近义词是什么呀? damn it 是什么意思 外国人考汉语,有等级之分吗? The iPhone is too expensive for her to buy(保持原句意思)She isn't ______ ________ to buy the iPhoneArthur was not knowing about the approaching danger.(保持原句意思)Arthur was _________ _________ the approaching danger. The car is too expensive for her to buy 还是 to buy it? 请讲明理由 jim and mary have/has a basketball 改错并说明理由“元朝设立行省制度,其中西藏地区归西藏行省管辖”. 从图中看,元朝加强对西藏管辖的机构是什么,我们现在广东地区,在元朝归属哪个行省 Does Gina has a tennis racket?哪错了? 把自己比喻成戏子,这里戏子的意思是什么?