
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:23:43
请帮我看看这两句英语,--You will be very luck of he lets you go without a ticket.这句英语中的 lets 的let为什么在后面有个 s --It must be terribel to be grown up.这句英语为什么加了 to be 请帮我看看这两句英文!帮我翻译成中文!谢谢.谢绝机翻!关于社会翻译学的书里摘出来的几句话.1. Similarly, there is no “society or social realm,” only translators whogenerate “traceable associations”2. The netw 地球以外是否有生命 帮我看看这两句英语哪个对,如果都对,哪个好一些The Kobe Ferry Bus runs via Island North Gate(free of charge),to Hanshin Mikage(chargeable fare) and JR Sumiyoshi(chargeable fare) for ferries arriving at Kobe Port.On entry to Kobe Por 我们所在的地球是否真实 奄奄一息的奄奄的意思 improve my reading skills中的reading做什么成分?为什么用reading而不用read? 帮我看看这两句英文For centuries people have tried to guess what it might be like to be able to fly into space,and have studied the planets and the stars.这句是什么句式,“what it might be like to be able to fly into space”该如何 若抛物线y=x²+(k-1)x+(k+2)经过(1,1)点,则k=_____;若抛物线在x正半轴上,则k=________ Amy can't ____ a letter.a.reads b.read.c .reading 求定积分,下图那个式子怎么算,求助 si le dou yao ai 漠视的近义词 漠视的近义词是什么 子贡问曰:“有一言可以终身行之乎?”子曰:其怒乎!已所不欲,勿施于人.”的于是什么意思 漠视的近义词和同义词是什么? 疏忽的近义词是什么 在梯形ABCD中,AB//CD 两对角线交于M 若AD=BD AC=AB,角ADB=90°,试说明角CAB=30° BM=BC 这里应该用ing还是ed?When the Games to be held in schools, students are ______.A. exciting B.excited 初二英语双休日练习Unit 21.-Is it likely we will be late for the very first class - A.I hope it B.I think it C.I'm afraid so D.I hope so 2.For her to have a healthy lifestyle is very important.(改为同义句)It's very important for her ___ 适合形容高中的词语.比如挣扎 奋进 拼搏 之类的. 初二英语习题Unit3 (急)!I.根据要求变换形式1.They made their vacation plans [the day before yesterday].(对括号内部分提问)2.He spent 5 years finishing making his last movie.(同义句转换)3.He is staying there [until 海带干,黑木耳干和香菇之类的,不泡水直接下锅煮行吗?会不会影响到营养? 怎么概括空城计 概括空城计用一句话概括全文 维吾尔语:"住手!自己人!" 怎么说? 维语 朋友自己人怎么说 求维吾尔语翻译“住手!我爸是城管”怎么说 为什么人遇到烦心的事情老是唉声叹气呢? 请问维吾尔语“你美丽的眼睛始终浮现在我的脑海里”怎么说?麻烦给字母拼音, "悲天悯人"和"杞人忧天"有啥区别? 在梯形ABCD中,AD平行BC,AB等于5,AC等于9,角BCA等30度,角ADB等45度,求BD...在梯形ABCD中,AD平行BC,AB等于5,AC等于9,角BCA等30度,角ADB等45度,求BD的长.