
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:23:23
Is it that museum__ they'd like to visit during their trip to Japan?答案填that想不通为什么 天书奇谈X,D,打错`是X,D,L,比如他说一个龙160X是什么意思 英语翻译If you can imagine it,you can achieve it; If you can dream it,you can become it.最好翻译成4段话,然后再诠释它的想表达的含义。 英语翻译是不是怎么顺口怎么翻译啊 英语翻译John has his clothes made at the tailor's.1 这句话是不是现在完成时2 his clothes放在has后面充当什么成份?3 一般名词都可以放在has后面吗? 我想买一套乐高玩具,用500元钱怎样可以买到尽量多的人物和模型不一定是乐高,仿得也行 super的意思 super_是什么意思 super是什么意思 super 不及物动词是不是要加介词才能接宾语 是不是至于接什么宾语就要看句子的意思了 有些动词本来是及物动词的 但在一些句子中是不及物动词比如说 He believes in himself 在这里的believe是不是不 不及物动词在句子末尾或句子中时没有宾语可以不加介词吗? 在下列结构中属于细胞的有 ;属于组织的有 ;属于器官的有 .(填序号)A变形虫,B苹果,C萝卜,D心脏,E胃,F血液,G软骨 He helps me with my math中with后面接的在句子中做什么成分 he always h___ me with my math 为什么乐高这个品牌的积木这么贵 怎么像小朋友家长介绍推销乐高玩具(积木)机器人高手课程?有没具体资料 Apple Battery Charger怎么样 What have the tests bought us thus far?Well for starters... 以“我最喜爱的一件生活用品”为题写一篇说明文 第一人称关于生活用品说明文急急急急急 给下列句子排列顺序.( )What did you have for lunch today,Li Hong?( )Good a ha给下列句子排列顺序.( )What did you have for lunch today,Li Hong?( )Good a hamburger and some Coke·( )I Hhad a hamburger and some Coke This restaurant often serves good meals .Now let's see what is on the today.Why don't you have lunch at home?(对划线部分提问) ,,have lunch at home?Why not ,the music club?I'm sorry.I can't sing or dance.A.to join B.join C.joining D.to join i 生活用品说明文作文350字 if you are happy,happy happy .if you are happy,wave at me 是哪首英语歌曲中的歌词 No one love you more than yourself.Please take good care of yourself.Thats all of I say i don't remember his telling us中为何要用his不能用he the boy's not having done the assignment made his father lose his temper.中为何要用the boy's不能用the boy? 关于孟德尔的遗传试验相关问题具有两对相对性状(独立遗传)的纯合子杂交,其子二代中能稳定遗传的新类型占子二代新类型中总数的:①1/2 ②1/3 ③1/5 ④2/5 A.①或③ B. ( )的骨气 括号里填形容词 骨气用什么词来形容?用特别简单的形容词.中文啊 The man was so tired that he could't do anything.=The man was __ tired __ do anything. The old man was so tired that be could h_______walk