
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:49:49
Is your father free next Sunday(改为同义句) my parents are’t free on sunday改同义句sunday is ------- ----------my parents This is not a love should make you humble 这种使你卑微的不是爱或这种爱不应该使你卑微!如果女孩子和你说这句!这代表什么?万分感激!是在QQ签名里写的! make this loving 给个比较合理的解释驴唇不对马嘴的就不要了一个词一个词我也能翻译 You should not make free with the girl you love You should not make free with the girl you love的意思. 《岳阳楼记》题文章的题目是“岳阳楼记”,文中却大写洞庭湖的胜景,作者如此布局的原因是什么?急!快的给加分 关于《岳阳楼记》的题范仲淹认为古代对贤的做法是( ),从而表现出他的伟大抱负是( ) 范仲淹表达了怎样的政治思想?结尾一句抒发了作者怎样的情怀? 登楼者面对洞庭湖的不同景色 "荣誉"的反义词什么 宾语从句和状语从句分别是什么? Love mak es man grow up or sink 这首歌《yesterday》的中文意思 i just cant believe your gonestill waitin for mornin to comewhen i see if the sun will rise,in the way that your by my sidewell we got so much in storetell me what is it im reaching forwhen were through buildin 岳阳楼记的题66A.以其境过清B.而安陵君以五十里之地存者C.以君为长者,故不错意也D.属予作文以记之E.不以物喜,不以己悲ABCDE中“以”的意思是? 《岳阳楼记》 的一些问题,指出全文各段的表达方式.(6分)指出第二、三、四段之间的结构关系?(2分)第二段中说“前人之述备矣”,照应上文那句话?孟浩然在《望洞庭湖赠张丞相》一诗 the people are aenjoying themselves改为同意句 ( )your brother swim when he was four years old?CanCouldDoDoes Isn't your brother five years old?-( )He is seven.A.Yes,he is B.Yes,he isn't C.No,he is D.No,he isn't My best could skate when he was four years old 同义句:My best could skate ____four快有4个空 Xiao Bao could dance when he was four years old.改为同义句 Why do you goes to the clothes store?错哪了?要改为什么还有:Where are lions come from?These elephants are a kind of interesting. 判断一下状语从句和宾语从句的区别this is where they lived这是状从还是宾从啊句子不是做了is的宾语么状从要做成分么,怎么我看有些要做有些的主句又是完整的不用做成分的啊 状语从句与宾语从句的区别是什么 急求一首街舞的DJ音乐~里面有歌词是“don't stop make it 什么,make it cry..."这个是高潮部 She had lost her keys,as a result,he had to open the door by( )(强制力). Find people near He joined the League in 2004.变同义句He ___ ____ ______ ___ the League in 2004. 这句话有错吗?On saturday,I will go to store with my father. We want to buy clothes. 红( ) ( )假 ( )名 读音:shu(三声) ( )功 锻( ) ( )人 读音:lian(四声) i think i'll fast all day friday怎么解释中文意思是“我想我在周五不吃东西” 还有一个意思是“ 我想我会快速度过周五”.第一句意思我更不明白了.如果翻译成第二句,会不会少了什么?i'll fast 就 I think I'll fast all day Friday这个是什么意思啊 ALL FOR ONE 同ONE FOR ALL如何翻译? 这猫是我家的英文怎么说 谁给几个男生的英文名啊?我打算起一个.不要很普通的,如Jack,Harry这种.最后附上怎么读!我的名字叫蔚.英文名第一个字母要和蔚谐音~