
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:15:06
We have techinal problems please com back 寻:10~50个带“爱”字的成语 亲情、友情 如:大爱无疆、父爱如山、母爱如海什么的 观什么如海,3Q 成语不绝如海意思? ____she_____computer games yes,she plays them every day . spare no effort 和 spare no efforts的区别 spare no efforts什么意思 spare no efforts our maths teacher has _ Australia for a week A.been to B been in 为什么选这个 正比例函数一定是一次函数吗? 水结成冰时体积增加11\1冰化成水时体积减少几分之几?对不起,应该是体积增加11分之一 be used to dong sth 和 be used to do sth各有什么区别 1.直角梯形的两底之差为6cm,不垂直与底的以腰长是12cm,则这个直角梯形的最大内角等于___?2.平行四边形两邻边分别是20cm,16cm,若两条长边之间的距离为8cm,则这条短边之间的距离是___?3.菱形周长 ___he ___any baseballs?Yes.he has one A,Does have B.Does has C.DO have D.Do have I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. i fell i must spare no efforts to do my bit意思 人生自古谁无死留取丹心照汗青的意思 what are they talk to?哪里错了 Does he play ( ) Yes ,he ( )A.good ,does B.good ,doesn't C.well ,does D.well ,doesn't What does Sam's mother play yesterday.哪里错了? He finds watching English movies__ because the people speak too quickly.A.boring B.difficult C.disappointing为什么不选 B呢? He finds watching movies frustrating because the speak too quickly,如果在finds和watching之间加个that可以吗?为什么要用watching啊后面有谓语动词吗?不应该是is frustrating么 泉水流到什么,他看见了什么.泉水会说什么? Sometimes,however,he finds watching movies d_____ because the people spoke too fast. 扩句:泉水流着.哪位高手能帮帮忙啊?急需啊! 身边的温馨小故事要自己身边发生的真实的事情 150个字左右好的故事另外加分 让你温暖的故事 温暖的爱情小故事希望是有一定年代背景的,最好是民国的让人感到温暖的.我希望内容中的女主角最好是个唱戏的,我知道可能有些难度如果简单我就不会费分找了,我的分数也是这样答出来的 帮,扩写下面的句子. 扩写下面的句子(至少两处)1、阳光洒满校园.--------------------------------------------------2、诚实是作风.-------------------------------------------------- 扩写下面的句子,要求突出人物饥饿的状态她饿了,抖抖地拿起食物. 根据给出的两种情景,适当增加词句,扩写下面的句子,使其符合限定的语境要求.句子:早晨,太阳发出光芒,树上的鸟儿鸣叫着,树下的流水流向远方.(1)表达轻松愉悦的句子————————