
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:51:47
写出watch,are,come,got,said,went的原形或过去时 求帮忙做几道完成句子,1I think we can improve our English_(通过听英文歌曲)(listen)2_...求帮忙做几道完成句子,1I think we can improve our English_(通过听英文歌曲)(listen)2_(我想说的)is th best results最好的结果为什么是复数的 阅读《社戏》,月还没有落,仿佛看戏也并不很久似的,而一离赵庄,月光又显得格外的皎洁.回望戏台在灯火光中,却又如初来未到时候一般,又漂渺得像一座仙山楼阁,满被红霞罩着了.吹到耳边来 he said he was at work错没错?i have started a new hobby错没错?这句话是过去完成时态吧,start是不是接宾语了?start不是不及物动词不能接宾语吗?我不明白为什么I have started a new hobby没错,但是i started a 一个电脑动画爱好者设计了一个“猫捉老鼠”的动画游戏,如图所示,在一个边长为a的大正方体木箱的一个顶角G上,老鼠从猫的爪间逃出,沿着木箱的棱边奔向洞口,洞口在方木箱的另一个顶角A 一位电脑动画爱好者设计了一个“猫捉老鼠”的动画游戏,如图所示.一位电脑动画爱好者设计了一个“猫捉老鼠”的动画游戏,如图所示,在一个边长为a的大正方体木箱的一个顶角G上,老鼠从猫 形容人fly,如she's fly. he was angry____ your work he said that he___ at all.A at;didn't satisfy B to;didn't satisfy C at;wasn't satisfiedD to; wasn't satisfied 一首歌歌词大概是don't be scared(don't be scared) why you scared(why you scared) Don`t be a baby 翻译 I didn't pay attention to lida what said.'said"应该是动词原形吧? 光 有没有终点 No,I haven't said there,so I don't know?翻译成中文 I didn't pay attention to what Linda said.中'said"应该是动词原形吧?did,后面不是接动词原形吗? 猫见了老鼠为什么拔腿就跑? he didn't play much attention to what the librarian had said请帮忙回答 为什么猫见以老鼠拔腿就跑?脑筋急转弯哦!1 猫看见老鼠,为什么拔腿就跑 日本现在是君主立宪制吗如果是,也就是说日本现在是家族人即位,不是象我们是闲举的, 日本的君主立宪制是什么开始的 请问光路三角形怎么画光路三角形指的是在一个三角形内射出一条光线,经过三遍反射之后首尾相连 you are a bad girl是什么意思? 一个三角形路线图,其中一条路最近,为什么?你做的出来吗? Bad girl怎么读 She walked off the street,into his life and store his If She Walked Into My Life 歌词 Don`t be worry 还是Don`t worry? 卑微的承诺感情中,往往有人付出很多很多,但得到了都是微乎其微的,甚至什么都得不到.好的时候都会许下很多的承诺.结束一段情.什么承诺都是曾经的可笑. 英语翻译it was from the teacher that he first heard of the chemist. 2.Josie got up and talked to another friend否定句Josie didn't get up and not talk to another friend. 八年级句型转换:⑤He is the best in his class.(改同义句)八年级句型转换:⑤He is the best in his class.(改同义句)He is _____ than _____ _____ _____ in his class.请注意: