
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:51:39
but i 've been walking round the shop for nearly 3 hours.nearly是副词,怎么去修饰3hours? Let’s put off the picnic until next week ,────────the weathet may be bettetrA as B then C if D when Let's put off the picnic next week,( ) the weather may be put off.为什么不能用as? English need be read every day.变为一般疑问句:______ Eglish _____ _____ every day? children the week will for picnic next a go he has nearly been every country想问一下,这句话对吗,是不是和这句He has already been to nearly every country 是一个意思呢,就是前一句可以和后一句一样吗,这样表达对吗,要是不对为什么呢, (Tom's)brother has already been (to nearly every country in the world)对括号部分提问(一个括号一个 一首英文歌,只能凭我弱弱的听力听出相似的歌词.求歌名是男声歌词大概有xxxxxxxxxxx bleI never meant to be your role(好像是role吧……)I xxxxxxxx trouble 还是什么bleoh no I never meant to dig your hole(类似 用 instead 放在 句中的用法 关于instead的句子改写原句为Nowadays people take the underground to Pudong New Area instead of taking a ferry.(保持句意不变)Nowadays people go to Pudong New Area by underground instead of ______ ______. 宇宙的秘密可以揭晓么?人类了解它多少? How can a teen be convinced to stop smoking--or persuaded never to take up the ( )at all i have to go to children's--the piano A.learn B.to learnC.learn How can a teen be convinced to stop smoking--or persuaded never to take up t eat ice creams怎么翻译? 辩论赛男老师好还是女老师好 老师要开辩论会》》》狼,我是反方,狼被杀,杀的原因啊!杀的原因是什么 The boy ( )surf the Net A.isn't B.doesn't C.don't at,don't,late,surf,the,internet,right连词成句 Didn't you just say what I think you did Take some pills____ the first days.A on Bof C at Dfor control point与check point的区别请教我们在工作中经常提到control point与check point,这两者的区别是什么? POOR CHARLIES ALMANACK怎么样 instead的详细用法RT What do you think __________this film?It's very interesting. ——What do you think of this job?——_______________(interesting). What do you think of this piece of wood?I'm sure it___a very good shelf的答案 sql 中group by with rollup的用法有一张表,我想做一个分类小计和总计的栏:Name procedure model quantityA 1 φ50 500A 1 φ50 600A 1 φ100 500A 2 φ50 700A 2 φ100 200B 1 φ50 1000使用了group by Name,procedure,model,quantity with with的用法 请帮我分析下一个很简单的英语句子the time needed would be of the order of 10 million years这句话be后面为什么要加of呢?我感觉没有反而更通顺.就是be of的含义.恳请解答 What do you think ( )you so happy?A.make B.to make C.is made D.makes 要有理由.最好能够说明该题考的是什么知识点?为什么不选B? 一个英语短语----高手帮忙辨析一下on sale 与 for sale的区别是什么?并每个举出2个例子支持你的解释,