
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:47:15
汉语拼音字母a代表多少音素? 英语音素发音与汉语拼音的关系 为什么汉语拼音方案中的26个字母就可以拼写汉语普通话中成千上万的词和无限多的句从音位的角度回答一下 地形的变化是地球内部和外部力量共同作用的结果,尤其是受到()和()等地球内部力量作用时,地形巨变. 有没有哪填错了 有没有错的?有些空填什么? 有没有错的,有的话, 我做的对吗请解答吸血大家错了的话请大家个我答案 you've made it!男友送我的杯子上有这句英文. 湖南卫视几年前的节目,是城市的孩子和农村的孩子交换生活的,叫什么名字? 甘肃人口密度小的原因是什么 英语翻译还有“It stands for the United Kingdom" 被除数的末尾有0,商的末尾也一 被除数末尾有0,商末尾也一定有0对吗 被除数的末尾有几个0,商的末尾也就有几个0对吗 判断:被除数中间有0,商中间可能有0. 甘肃是少数民族地区吗? 经常被老师罚写抄课文怎么办 请问Ayers Rock、 Big Ben、 Stonehenge 、Tower Bridge 、Cspe town这几个英语单词是什么意思?这些都是英国、南非的著名景观的名字. His work doesn't come up to the .required.A:measures B:standards C:cultures D:steps Harbor Bridge和 Ayers Rock怎么翻译?是澳大利亚的景点吗? His work in maths needs to be brought up to the standard of the others.bing up的意思?直译 I am afraid I have to give it up .remember _sticks to his work will succeed 英语翻译Equal pay for equal work is a phrase used by the American women who feel that are looked down upon by society.They say it is for women to be paid less than men for the same work  People who hold the opposite opinion (mainly men) h 帮忙翻译一下这个句子:Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them.这里的sign怎么解释? IN some big cities,__is done to make smoke clean before it goes into the air为什么用little 不用few,a lot of I didn't see you at the meeting yesterday.Why? -I __for a long distance call then from my daughterin Canada.A.waited B.have waited C.was waiting D.will wait 大学course type里的general,U/G, 伦敦政经的General Course是什么?Undergraduate Admissions Graduate Admissions General Course 这三个有什么区别? 21404—restricted optional course generally are offered by the college itself to be chosen by the students of the college.3761 想问:1—本句怎么翻译?2—are offered by:1—restricted optional course generally are offered by the college i restricted optional course generally are offered by the college itself to be chosen by the students of the college. 3761 什么意思 i have to go for the optional course