
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:14:50
纽怎么组词 用汇这个字组成的唯美短词 Thanks for ( )my family__dinnerA inxite ,for B.incite ,to C.inviting,for D,inviting to 翻译文言文:蔻莱公祠堂,登风秋亭……而阙令动辄二三年,无肯补者,何哉?(翻译全部) 齐人未尝赂秦,终继五国迁灭,何哉?下一句是什么 奈之何哉的意思是什么?(10分钟内要) My family ___ a car.填have还是has?为什么? 英语小作文(my family)(用上have has介绍你家人的外貌特征等) 4——5句话 最好自创 改错:do you enjoy talkng at the phone with your friends?2..翻译:LUCY 出生于1990年10月3日LUCY——————————19903.翻译:地球绕着太阳转 ''Could I borrow your eraser ,please Mine is broken. still 求英语补充 Come and have d_____with my family.They like eating f_____,like appies and banana.My friend____(like)playing football.Tom and____(not like)eggs.Byuce____(not eat)oranges.I___(not eat)oranges.My father and mother____(like) ice-cream.My family members six have 连词成句 still sad司徒文俊的伴奏 白云亭 翻译 白云亭中作者选取了哪些景物来衬托白云亭 白云亭作者选取了什么景物来衬托白云亭 《入蜀记》中:白云亭景致优美,可是县令空缺动不动就是二三年,没有谁肯来补缺,这是为什么啊? Linda told her headmaster that a writer and singer__needed at the party.B.will be C.was 选什么? Thank you for making me who I am and thank you for everything you've done for me.. 老友记中Rachel的孩子Emma到底是不是Ross的,看不太懂~~rt可是后来Ross说那毛衣不是他的,他只是顺手牵走的(在第八季第二集最后,和那个tag说的)。虽然没有明说,但是很明显呀。Tag和Ross在 Thank you for all you've done for me~ I make my own bread.I've done it for ages.用for或 since连接,如有必要可改动 芙蓉楼送辛渐 重点词的意思和译文 i had never had it It’s freezing!I’ve never known a winter ___cold beforeA.any B.that C.this D.much为什么选C I never thought of it before,() all that cleaners had done for us for granted.From now on,I'll ()their hard work.A.taking;respect B.making;appreciate C.took;thank D.took;grateful 如何得到已知蛋白序列的对应的基因序列 英语四级报名没有报上怎样补报 明末清朝有多少蒙古人?RT 明朝时,汉人政府与当时的社会有没有对蒙古人展开报复行动? 明朝对蒙古人的态度是怎样的?明朝是把蒙古人的王朝给灭了才出现的,明朝对蒙古人应该是鄙夷的态度,但明末时期满清和蒙古联合明朝也没有那么生气,照理来说,一个被你瞧不起的人突然起