
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:16:21
DId you help your mother clean your room yesterday?clean要不要加ed do you know when basketball was inventedIf you travel around China you will notice a very popular activity everywhere you go--basketball.This much-loved and active sport is enjoyed by many,for fun and exercise.The sport of basketball is a little over She ()fiy to Hong Kong next week 某种生物分类的所属类别,是依据什么特征确定的? 《升起心中的太阳》,作文,800字 He lend me a ruler last week.(句意不变) I ___ ____ ___ ___ ____last week. 根据首字母写单词He hasn't (r ) to me since I wrote to him last week.1.He hasn't (r ) to me since I wrote to him last week.2.She thought it for a long time and made a (d )at last.3.Since my sister started high school ,her (d ) life has cha he has left school since last week改错 想找一部明朝的武侠电视剧,里边有魏忠贤,还有一些他的下属,有的代号叫“刀子”、“影子”,还有一个叫“蝎子”等的属下,请问该电视剧叫什么名字? __ she __(help) her mother do the housework now? She often ____her mother B.helps C.helping 生物分类的依据和意义是什么 生物分类依据生物分类的依据是什么、、、 自上周来,我一直很忙.I _ _ _ since last week. a week ago 和since last week 的区别 How will you go there?How are you going there?两句都对还是有一句是错的? “Where are you going?Why do you want to go there?What are you doing there?How long are you staying there?”这4句话怎么回答?用英语回答,(回答要简单明了) 细胞信号是如何从细胞外传递到细胞内的? 细胞信号转导与细胞信号传导的区别是什么? 细胞信号如何从细胞外传递到细胞内的? 基因能否控制细胞间或细胞内的信号转导? 细胞内信号的传递途径有哪些 we are going there by We are going there to stay for a week 同义句 We are going there ----- ----- ----- ----我们老师说是for a week's stay we are going sightseeing there 表示进行,还是表示将来?以前,我记得老师说go,come,leave,arrive,start,join,land,meet,die,return等瞬间动词用进行时态表达将来的意思.可是后来,在人教版的书上看到很多用进行时 the coat matches my skirt very much同义句 The coat f____ me very well. 同义句转换 This coat matches him well.要改成:This coat _______ ________ ________ him This colour matches my hair clips very well.改一般疑问句 1、如果地球公转时,地轴与公转轨道面之间垂直,应该表示为一个什么图形?2、为什么太阳光直射的是正午?还有什么书本没有的知识告诉一两点 每朵花都有自己的芳香 作文600字散文最好,议论文也可以。 He is going by train.改为一般疑问句 We are going there (at 3:30)对括号部分提问I am going to ( visit my auat )on the weekend.对括号部分提问