
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:40:19
求:用英语写关于我的家乡淄博的介绍小弟拜求关于我的家乡淄博的英文介绍! 翻译一个词组:我的旅行 初二短语翻译:1、和...去散步 2、是做.的时候了 3、去夏令营 4、参观博物馆 英语翻译英语词组翻译:1 去一座城市参观2 发送信件PS:范围在七年级(初一)第二学期以上= = 比喻句 排比句 拟人句 夸张句 的好处和作用 英语问题(用英语回答)1、Which is the largest country in Asia?And which is the largest in the world?2、Which city has the largest population in China?How about in Asia and in the world?3、Which animal is the king of beats?4、Which anim 15句比喻句 15句拟人句 15句夸张句 并把每句这样的说明方法有什么好处写下来 比喻句和拟人句的区别和作用是什么? 什么叫比喻句?比喻句的作用是什么?什么是拟人句?拟人句的作用是什么? 植物向光性现象中光的作用谢谢啦o(∩_∩)o... 送老师、同学钢笔字应该写些什么内容.我刚刚获得硬笔书法一等奖,老师让我写点东西送给她,还让我写点贴在班上,有同学也让我给她写一份.我不知道应该写点什么,大家出点主意,我分别应该 连词成句:last,studied,I ,stayed,Sunday,evening,ang,home,for,test,at,the,math studied she library math the at last weekenstudied she library math the at last weekend(连词成句) went,Sunday,to,the,last,Wendy,cinema,said,she,that(.)(连词成句) 给动词填空1.We did't catch the time.On the way to the train station our car____(break) down.2,This pair of shoes ____(make) in Shanghai.3,I met Tom in the street today.we ___(not see) each other for a long time.4,Where___ these pictures____(take she says she will come back to ( ) us next month.填什么?这是篇短文,她在大学工作 这个信息够吗 根据括号内的动词适当形式填空1.Don't forget to tell your son .(close) the door when he .(leave) the room.2.When you feel tired,you'd better .(stop).(have) a rest. he said he ( ) back the next day.A.come B.came C.will come D.would come 【英语提问(9)】根据句意,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空.1.i __(invite) my neighbours to my party next sunday.2.where __ you __(take) photos tomorrow?---we __ (take) photos in the hills.3.my uncle __(not buy) a new computer you_____come to his office,our boss will not be back until next week.have not towill not have got tohave not got todo not have got to 含有动物的词语 春天长出一丛丛很阔的叶片,现在开始开淡紫色花 第九题,英语高手在哪里? Last weekend Mary _______ her mother in the kitchen.A helped B helps C helping 含有动物的词语有哪些? 带有动物的词语有哪些? 带有动物式的词语abac式的词语a和c是动物 接天()叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红.是连还是莲? 秋天长胖了.诶...这才刚刚到秋天...就长胖了两斤天天吃好多...吃了饭还想吃东西这几天又是生理期...感觉好饿.苦恼我今年21岁.怎么才能在秋冬季节变瘦. 哪些果实在秋天长出来 什么是秋天长的的水果 有助于回答者给出准确的答案在一次数学竞赛中共有20道题,做错已到货不做扣1分,小华得了70分,他工共做对了几道题?