
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:23:00
有个口字旁的"恩"怎么打?如题... 英语翻译It is often used incorrectly to include Northern Ireland that is correctly part of the United Kingdom. 英语翻译International sports stars are used to being under the spotlight,but nowadays their vocal performance can be subject to as much scrutiny as their athletic ability. 英语翻译The constants parameters obtained from single (RB21 and RR195) adsorption equilibrium data were used to predict the binary adsorption behaviour of reactive blue21 and reactive red195 [11]. 英语翻译酒店没有提供参展证件代办的服务,证件必须要你亲自到展馆办理. 网络用语mark是什么意思 网络术语mark是什么意思? 宽带山里的mark什么意思 如何评价重庆谈判 如何正确理解和评价重庆谈判 what food do chinese people usually have fordinner? What meals doesn't Chinese people usually have rice什么意思 what do english -speaking people usually have for breakfast 1、-what do people do usually do in China when the1、-what do people do usually do in China when they meet _the first time ?-shake hands . 求两篇简单的英语日记60-80字的, 求几篇英语日记 简短的希望是自己写的那种,简单明了就行... 求关于英语日记,7年级水平就好,60个单词就好,完, 英语帝进!一篇自我介绍帮翻译下.正文:我叫李杨,男,在地球村生活了二十年.,身高一米七五,不高也不算矮,身材匀称,不胖也不算瘦,在司法警校学习,不高成也不算低就.我头发短,帅,我脸蛋好, 英语翻译However,the observation it makes the differences between everyday politicians and true leaders are just as relevant today. 已知p=3x²-8xy+9y²-4x-2y+250,则p的最小值为---------- M=3X^2-8XY+9Y^2-4X-2Y+2008,则M的最小值是多少(正确加分哦) p=3x平方-8xy+9y平方-4x-2y-250 求p的值 mark是什么意思 今天是她生日,我想发个说说祝她生日快乐,求短语. 写一篇英语日记,要点:1,5月29日,星期六,天气晴朗 2.我们从上午六点出发乘火车九点到北戴河3.上午,我们在沙滩上做游戏,在饭店吃饭,下午我们沿海边步行去南戴河,照相4.下午五点半返校. 英语翻译Trant was the first designer to actually handcraft personal PCs using light durable attractive materials.actually handcraft personal PCslight durable attractive materials.这两个词组该如何翻译? what food do Chinese people usually have for dinner? what do people usually do on Tancksgivingday? 已知抛物线方程y^2=2x,在y轴上截距为2的直线l与抛物线交于M,N两点,O为坐标原点,若OM垂直ON,求直线的方程 已知抛物线y^2=2px,y轴上截距为2的直线L与抛物线交于M,N,以MN为直径的圆过原点,求L的方程 英语作文 道歉信我和Kelly吵架了,写一封道歉信 大家帮忙写篇英语作文,一封道歉信.假如你是新华中学的学生李华,上周你在外教Mr.Smith的口语课上使用手机,被老师发现,手机被外教拿走.请用英语给他写封道歉信,内容包括:表示歉意解释使