
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:25:39
求中秋节作文400字6年级 中秋节有关的作文 600字 把所见和所问 甲、乙两地分别从AB两地同时出发,相向而行,甲车每小时行40千米,乙车每小时行48千米,当乙车行至全程的五分之二时,甲车距中点还有30千米,求A、B路程. 发生地震时如何逃生 无论k为何值时,一次函数(2k-1)x-y-(k-11)=0的图像,必经过定点?求这个定点…… 一根钢筋,第一次截去8分之7米,比第二次多截去10分之3米,还剩5分之4米,这根钢筋的全长是多少米? 1()公顷=75平方米 .2一根钢筋第一次截去8分之7比第二多截10分之三米,还剩5分之4,全长是多少 一根钢筋截去8米后,所剩部份比原长的5份之3还多2米,这根钢筋原来长多少米? 已知一次函数y=(3-k)x-2k²+18,k为何值时,它的图像平行于直线y=-x? They talked for six hours straight这里straight怎么用阿? They____(stay) in the park for two hours last Sunday 适当形式填空 地震时在大厦高层怎样逃生? 如何在高楼中逃生 英语翻译Then liked it very much,but they couldn't take it with them ,so they looked for a good place to leave it in while they were away. 翻译:they wanted to find the lost treasure.they had an old map. 翻译:To get much mutton,they kept many sheep on the farm. There aren't many shopping malls in the city,are they?怎么回答?回答如何翻译? 数学单位m、cm、dm2、cm2、m2、dm是什么意思``就是说它们代表的中文意思是什么``` 雅思听力短期提高9月底考过一次,总分6,阅读6•5,其他都是6.目标是6•5最好到7啊.都说听力阅读最好提高,有段时间没练习了,听力怎么短期提高啊. 雅思听力怎么提高?现在一般只得5分.怎么练习好?剑桥雅思的题我都有,怎么练习听力? 为什么sheep复数不加s,即所谓的单复数同型?one sheeptwo sheeps这样不是很好吗? fish复数要加s吗 a lot of traffic是什么意思 I know ( )about traffic.A.a lot of B.many C.lots of D.a lot ⑩ they still don't know and what they haven't ma⑩ they still don't know and what they haven't mastered well.这句哪里错了 A lot of deers are eating leaves at the foot of the hill这句话中哪出错了,为什么错,他是什么意思? 急.50分!求一篇描写人的品质的作文.要有一两件事例来描写这个人的品格.抄都不怕 、只要500多字就可要有一两件事例来描写这个人的品格.抄都不怕 、只要500多字就可以不要 写信 之类的、 there is a lot of traffic on the roads .对 a lot of traffic 提问 When they finished s____ in the mall,they couldn't carry what they bought at all那应填一个S打头的单词, there a lot of traffic?” I heard the voice.but I couldn't___ what they were saying.A.leave outB.bring outC.hold outD.make out选哪项,为什么? What's the matter______ they still haven't answered the telegram?填了that,