
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:11:40
赵师傅把棱长6dm的正方体容积装满油,再把它倒入长6dm,宽5dm高8.5dm的这时的长方体油箱的油深多少分米? 求x+8-2x=9的解(要过程)急求!有劳各位了!初一奥数 怎样理解鲁迅先生的“绝望之于虚望,正与希望相同”这句话,有劳各位网友朋友了 宁为鸡头 不为凤尾 的事例有那些?要有具体说明救救我这个小妹妹把 宁为鸡头,不为凤尾.这是怎样的生活态度呢? Reason是什么意思 reason什么意思Piaget, the Swiss psychologist, said that children (reason) so differently from adults that they cannot effectively be taught the same way. 宁为鸡头,部位凤尾的正方辩论词《急!》急需正方辩论词 谢谢 REASON是 什么意思 18.19题有劳了, Paint It Black 歌词 求滚石乐队《paint it black》歌词,如题,另外有老手可以推荐下类似《PAINT IT BLACK》的其他歌, 《蜡烛》中为什么炮弹打不着老妇人?快啊! 谁有的乐队总谱啊最好的GTP我 要滚石的 l l急.paint it pink 这个pink 是做伴随状语吧 reason的意思 The singer has sung that sane song so many times,I'm______A.proud of it B.statisfied with it C.getting sick of it D.looking forward to it. He sings pop songs,He has many fans. 翻译一句话 i dont think your problem is with.i dont think your problem is with what other people believe as you are with trying to figure out what You believe He sings pop songs,He has many fans.he is a______. reason的中文意思? I don't think those curtain match______ very well with the wallpaper.A suitB goC fitD matchWhy 一份稿件,甲打30分钟后乙继续打25分钟完成;如果再打一次,乙打30分钟后由甲打24分钟完成.求甲乙打这份稿件各需要多少时间? You are beautiful but not to act like that.和外国人聊天时,外国人看了我的照片后,说了这个 "the reason causing the problem is ..."应该是the reason for 还是 the reason 后面接ing “勤俭节约”怎么翻译? a brother like that 的汉语意思 翻译 节约地 节俭翻译? 好_____(习作训练)2日5月B3 分析一下物体的运动 一个长方体油箱,长9分米,宽6分米,高4分米,如果把这整箱油都倒进一个底面半径为3分米的圆柱形油桶内,汽油深多少分米?