
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 12:45:20
what is new/up? 中国近代思想主要经历了“师夷长技以制夷”、“中体西用”、“维新变法”、“民主共和”、“民主与科学”及“马克思主义”的演进过程.这些思想反映的共同主题是A.发展资本主义 B. You,It is time to died.本人英语不好,见谅、 师夷长技以制夷的意思? may be it is time to let it go 填空题:————some cake in the box.(there is /there are) there is some c___ on the cake. 印第安酋长西雅图著名演说《这片土地是神圣的》,以其深沉的情感与极富感染力的语言,教诲人们---------- 初三 英语 It is said It is believed 请详细解答,谢谢! (24 15:48:59)It is said               It is believed       有it is said to do 有这种表达吗? Dear,it's high time thati forget you It's time you ____A.go to bed B.must go to bed C.gone to bed D.went to bed It's high time you _told__us the truth.为什么这里不用tell?而用过去式? rain,rainy,rainning有什么区别? 老鼠药对人体的危害‘/.如果误食了老鼠药就会导致死亡吗?还有没有救治的办法呢? 老鼠药会经过空气对人体有害吗 fuck off !是啥意思? 单选:1.A flight broke out among the football fans and soon it went ___control.a.under b.beyond c.above d.over 2.The bell rang and i hurriedly rushed into the classroom,knocking ___our maths teacher.a.at b.into c.off d.out 请用一般现在时造句(arrive)造5句 用ARRIVE造句要有中文意思 请教一英语单选题~~~He grew more and more absorbed in his work, _____ he almost forgot his meals.He grew more and more absorbed in his work, _____ he almost forgot his meals.Athat to such an extent B to an extent such that Cto such an extent arrive at a decision 怎么造句? arrive in arrive at get to一定要有造句! have an exam的造句 would sooner do than do有这个句型吗,怎么造句, 英语句中rain,rains,rainy,rained在什么时候用,分别写一个例句,并说明原因. beyond大约有多少粉丝 out of control,over control,beyond control都有吗 都相等吗? beyond one's control 与out of control的区别 英语造句:用get to arrive at、arrive in、reach、keep sb./sth.+adj.、sb. spend some (in) doing sth. They set ___ making prparations for the party..介词 ----day Bill was starting his motor-bike when his sister Mary came out and askedday Bill was starting his motor-bike when his sister Mary came out and asked for a lift A some B the other C another D on one