
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 22:00:30
I told my father ______story.but I don't think he was interested in it选项 A.the whole b.whole C.the all D.all of help oneself to sth什么事思? told me all___he knewAwhichBwhatCthatDwho He _ told me about it. rainy什么意思 rainy的意思 help oneself to do something(to have another pie) 该词组什么意思? what a great gift he had for trade with local products!好吧,我知道这句话中gift是天赋之意,句中也涉及了have a gift for这个“有.的天赋”的词组.我不明白的是for后面的trade是名词还是动词,trade有动词与名 _he had for trade with local products为什么选what a great gift而不能填how beautiful a gift 1.I proposed to do them early in the moring before anyone had got up这里的before接完成时态什么意思? before 接的句子 动作在后, 应该接 过去时态啊. 2. either of 应该是表示2者之间 任一一个.provided me with a go 【老友记】有一句Technically is not being hadsex is not being had这是什么时态?什么时候用? I am afraid there isn't any more milk in the refeigerator.是什么意思? 07年诺奖得主莱辛说过一句话:“The sex war is not the most importantwar going on,nor isit the most vital problem in our life,还有nor SEX IS NOT ACR IME 直白点? 使命召唤6 关卡:The enemy of my enemy:敌人的敌人 开场动画,普莱斯说的话其中必须有 只要信任才有背叛,我可没信任他.这句话一定要翻译!我要准确的英语翻译 使命召唤6原声The enemy of my enemy is my friend 长8分钟的.邮箱 Is Japan China's friend or enemy?l think Japan is China's cooperator and competitor. 外教留的一篇作文-the enemy of my enemy is my friend 从哪方面写呢?想了很久,对题目意思也不甚理解,也不知道怎么动笔写,只好来求助下大家了... A light a___ at the end of the tunnel. “the light at the end is worth the pain”这句话是什么意思, my friend is a monster是什么歌? one of the students who( ) interested in music is my friend.空格处应该填is 还是ARE loreal hydrafresh是什么意思 2PM I will be back这个MV里他们穿的是什么衣服?是制服吗?请帮解释下!因为我们元旦要用,我们元旦要唱2PM 的I will be back!谢了! 英语翻译rainy 22October,2014Today is my birthday.I had a birthday party in the afternoon.My father give me my birthday present ,it is a robot thank you Dad First I have a wish Then I hear my family sing happy birthday to me .At the same time,my s teacher's office是什么意思?playground是什么意思? hydrafresh intense hydration suppiy中文是什么 HYDRAFRESH 翻译成中文 hydrafresh是什么意思 汽车上面有的贴标签写着was还是wac忘记了.跟越野有关系么前两个字母是wa,这个我确定 什么是WAC? wac文件是什么