
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:14:21
On hearing a loud noise outside,he opened the door quickly to see what was happening.(同义句) 连词成句 close,when,the,I,to,was,it,getting,opened,door He pushed the door again and again,but it-----open.A won’t b wouldn’t c can’t d couldn’t Key:b Can’t不是表能力?will不是表示物体本身的属性? He (watched TV)yesterday evening._______ _______He (watched TV)yesterday evening._______ _______he _______yesterday evening?就括号内容提问 My name is Maria ____ English 10月1日国庆节放几天假 英语翻译因为上次我寄信给湖人的队员 可是却没有回 不知道收到没有.所以我想知道你的地址 阿里扎- 之前湖人的 因为我英语水平有限。在twitter没办法和他对话 it is + for sb 和+of 有什么区别 it is of importance for sb to do像这种it is of +n +for sb to do的用法有吗? cindy shut the door heavily and burst intoCindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears .No one in the office knew_____D____ she was so angry.A.where B.whether C.that D.why请问这个从句she was so angry.不也不缺成分吗,为何不用that? Enjoy the rest if your day! 如果x^4-3x^3+6x^2+aX+ b能被x^2-1整除 求a,b DAY of your beliefs的歌词 国庆小学放几天假 小学十一放几天假 My favourite subject is English.(改写同义句)I ____ English _____. 小学国庆节放几天假 John‘s favourite subject is English(改成同义句) My favourite subject is English提示词 :English listen to tapes,answer questians,read more and speak more,sing Enflish songs.急用,今晚就用, you have to be a good friend frist译成中文 He went from door to door , waste papers and magazinesA gathering B gathered C gather D being gathered 谁知道高中国庆假怎么放(从几号到几号) 今年国庆节放几日假?今年国庆节、同8月15各放几日假? be bold 最新版的国际音标 to be or not to be ,that's a question 音标是什么 to be or not to be全文的音标,怎么读To be,or not to be- that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them.To die- to sl 英语翻译StephenHawking是世界上最著名的科学家之一.1942年他出生于美国.当他年轻时,他对科学充满了热情.不幸的是,在他21岁时,他得了一场不可治愈的大病.病后,除了手之外,身体都不能动.后来, 北师大版六年级下册语文书课文山中杂记是散文还是什么文? Did you enjoy your school outing?Did you enjoy your school outing?(肯定回答) How did you enjoy your school tripA Last weekB In the aquariumC Very much D With Peter wish和wishes的区别