
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:57:21
British 怎么读 British 怎么读?求谐音 British的音标 蒋介石贡献大,还是毛泽~东主席贡献大⊙? The bicycle was invented in the 1880sicycle was invented____.A.in 1880s B.in1880’s C.in the 1880s D.on the 1880s为和C 正确,而不是A when was invented the bicycle 为什么改成when was the bicycle invented It is said that the bicycle was invented ---- A.in 1880s B in 1880's C in the 1880s D On the 1880s who invented the bicycle?怎么改为被动语态? 一筐苹果有84个,要平均分成若干堆,不准有剩余,有多少种分法?其中分奇数堆有几种? You drink a lot of tea.怎样改成否定句? you should drink a lot of hot tea.(改为否定句) you____ ____a lot of hot tea. 我可以说have a drink of Mother wants______________.A to have a drink of tea B to go home C a bread D a water i prefer drink the tea.这句话对吗? Drink tea is to too the hot.求翻译 下列函数中y是x的一次函数的是A.y=根号2X B.y=x分之2 C.y=x平方 D.y=2x 作文:十三岁的天空,700字左右. 作文 十三岁的天空要求500字左右 我是个男的 不要写的太女性 谁能给点思路 或者好一点的作文 几道英语选择题.急~~!The man hung up his telephone ______ I could guess who he was.1.The man hung up his telephone ______ I could guess who he was. A. when B.since C.not until D.before2.The ______ he has over the Are all telephone numbers _____ in the directory(姓名地址录)?---Yes,all _____Jane's.A.Listed; including B.Listed; included C.including; includes D.being listed; being included尽量有解题思路 Amy_____,but could see nothing.She was quite frightened.A.looked careful B.look carefully C.looked at carefully D.looked carefully请说明理由,有分! Y=X分之1 Y=2X的平方 Y=3-2X Y=根号2X 哪个是关于X的一次函数 (1)y=2x-1 (2)y=x分之1 (3)y=-3x (4)y=x的平方+1中,是一次函数的是. 那3个奇数和为21 甲乙两车分别从AB两地同时出发,相向而行,当两车相遇时,甲行了全程的40%,相遇后,两车继续以原速行驶,当乙车到达A地时,甲车又行驶了40KM,求AB的距离? 急求关于圆的典型例题,以证明切线的为主难度适中运用多种知识解答, 25度101千帕,42g氮气和一氧化碳的混合气体中含有的原子数为3NA,NA表示阿伏加德罗常数为什么,求详解 常温常压下,14g氮气含有的原子数目为1.5Na 为什么是对的?前缀不应该是"标况下"么?又:怎么是14g氮气的原子数目为NA?WHY神马,我还是不太懂。克与mol会有不一样 1:已知函数f(x)=sin(三分之派-x),则要得到其导函数的图像,只要将函数y=f(x)的图像A:向左平移三分之二派个单位 B:向右平移三分之二派个单位C:向左平移二分之派个单位 D:向右平移二分之派 some i-----have changed our life.They make the world become better (1)关于X的方程2*(SinX)平方-SinX+P=0,在[0,派]上有解,求P的取值范围.(2)从1-9,9个数字中取3个不同元素作圆方程(X-a)平方+(Y-b)平方=r平方中的a,b,r.则使圆心和原点的连线恰好垂直于直线X+3Y+1=0的概率 1.函数y=f(x)过点(1,1),则f(4-x)的反函数的图像一定经过点______2.函数y=2^(根号(x-2))-log3(底数)(5-x)的值域为____________3.定义在R上的偶函数f(x)满足f(x+2)=f(x),且在[-3.-2]上是减函数,若α、β是锐角三 在三角形abc中 bc=2 ac=根7 B=π/3 则ab=?abc面积?