
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:21:52
三角形的三个角加起来等于多少度 如何使用SPSS确定影响因素在做分层抽样统计中,影响店铺销量的因素很多,如店铺面积,店铺所处市场层级,店铺的类型等等,如果利用SPSS确定哪些是影响销量的主要因素?(SPSS水平有限,麻烦大侠 大烟现在能种吗 是不是随便一撒就能活了拜托各位了 3Q我有三个大烟壳 能种多少棵 “for the term beginning”是什么意思在填一份表格时碰到的空,谢谢~~是一份国外留学的申请表,有一条是“For the term beginning ___________”不知道究竟让我写什么,但肯定不是“学期计划”,因为 was是什么意思. You can't see me,My time is 这里was是什么意思,在这里有什么作用.variable "b" was declared but never referenced.变量“b"有声明但是从没引用过. 问个英语问题 the author of the novel was brought up in t问个英语问题the author of the novel was brought up in the country,_recounted in most of her worksa.as it is.b.as is.c.that is.d.such is 关于was的用法One day there was an argument between the wind and the sun.was不是用在过去式吗?为什么上面这句话会用was ? The author of the novel was brought up in the country, _____recounted in most of her workas it is 和 as is 应该用哪一个啊? 答案是as it is, 但是我们不也常说As is known to us all, the earth is round 吗? 这个问题百度知道已 was 和 is 的用法was 后面可以接什么.(过去式?原形?)is 后面可以接什么.(过去式?原形?) neither of them took the novel on the author' 求was的用法 I was的用法I was Canadian难道是说我曾经是加拿大人吗?能仔细说说这是什么意境吗?还有以下:I think she was Danish.I don't think she was. 以下程序运行后表达式*(p++)的值为什么是'w' Char a[5]="work" Char *p=a 请指导下 “未知的旅途”翻译:an unknown journey还是a journey unknown比较好?用作签名, 已知等腰直角三角形ABC斜边BC的长为4,三角形DBC为等边三角形,那么A、D两点的距离为() no i was deployed是什么意思 No,I wasn't .I was in the bookstore it was no bother是什么意思 I was blind in English,no English什么意思 用7根火柴摆两个正方形如何摆 数学题:abc×def=g1031求abcdefg X THE UNKNOWN怎么样 Unknown什么意思? unknown?什么意思 Unknown是什么意思 美术运用新材料作画怎么做(不能用铅画纸),快,明天要交的. 请问侄儿读不懂小学一年级语文题读怎么办哟? 大家告诉我一下侄儿读不懂小学一年级语文题读怎么办哟? 有点着急了啊,真心谢谢大伙了 ABCDEFG-ABC=826487 求ABC等于几 急 为什么苹果的LOGO少一块