
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:22:44
地球轴心是在哪里撒? 物理题、钟摆走快了,要把它调准,应该怎么样改变它的摆长?为什么? 初二的物理上册最前面的钟摆实验怎么做 The confidence which we have in ourselves gives birth to much of that which we have in others. 9V,500mA的变压器一时用多少度电? 有道题让验证T=2π根号下l/g这个公式,l是那根绳子长度,t是时间,g是重力加速度,让用绳子和秒表,我做的是更改绳子长度,5cm开始,每次加5cm,到25为止,一共5组,不用秒表,光靠算式的话,每次时间都 是英语天才,就来帮我填空1.My grandmother isn't very______,she can do housework.2.The day after Sunday is______.3.It's twelve o'clock.Let's have______.4.Bett,get up and_____the bed.5.It's sunny today.Let's wash the______.如果有答案,我 英语天才帮我填空一下Mary was so angry with John about the jam that she went to stay with her mother in a ____________ part of the country.She could not understand why John had thought it was ____________ and had thrown it away.“Why couldn 请帮忙“Have confidence in everday” 翻译成中文 I'll never betray the trust of those who have confidence in me.翻译中文什么意思? 选项:hate/ take care of /work on/use/forget 1.i()doing the dishes .it's so boring .2.i'm going to ()my English project and then meet my friends.3.my mom gets really angry I()to clean my room .4.Can i ()your dictionary ,please?Mine is at home i have every confidence in myseif翻译成中文是 我拿什么奉献给你,我的父母.我拿什么奉献给你,我的朋友.我拿什么奉献给你,我的老师. You may go out when your homework________You may go out when your homework________(finish) you may go out _________ your homework is done.A.except B.unless C.until D.as I have every confidence in my life.语法上对吗?confidence前为什么可以加every?如题.confidence明明是个不可数名词,为什么前面还可以加every? If your homework____(do)well,you may go to play.我知道答案是have been done,但老师好像说过有well的句子不用被动语态 设a>0,函数f(x)=e的x次方/x2+a 第一问 求函数f(x)的单调区间 已知函数f(x)=a的x次方+x2/x+1(a>1),证明:函数f(x)在(-1,+∞)上为增函数 根号3x+x=10计算过程 (根号3x)+x=10怎么解 (10+x)乘根号3=3x,x是多少根号2约等1.414.根号3约等1.732 1、根号3(根号8-根号2+根号三分之一) 2、(x+2)(3x-1)=10明天就要交了.kkkkkkkkkkkkkk~~ 1.Generally speaking,English classes with _____ students are better .Because _____ students will have chances to practise speaking.A.less;less B.many;fewer C.fewer;more D.less;more2.Japan is lovated to the east of China.(划线提问,划线“to the 根号10分之3x+根号6分之5x 延长三角形ABC的BC边到D,使CD=AB,试说明AD大于BC X根号下-3X分之2 在三角形ABC中,AD垂直BC,AB*CD=AC*AD 求 BC*AD=AC*AB why didn't she come?Did you know?合并为一句话. 木字旁写一个快乐的乐字读什么? Do you know why she looks so cheerful ? She got high marks in the final examinations. 一个木字旁右边一个乐 是什么字?