
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:21:15
with、by、through 通过的区别这三个词我看到一次就混淆一次,怎么区分呢?请说详细明白一点 鲸鱼搁浅为什么会死 介词with by in through on用法辨析他们有的表示用.....方式 用......东西 区别在哪里 给我讲讲by with in through use 的不同和用处 don't have to等于什么RTdon't have to等于////needn't to 还是don't need to? 以must 开头的疑问句,否定回答是 needn't,don't have to可以吗? 关于have to/must be与don't have to/can't behave to与must bedon't have to与can't be的意思一样,在使用过程中有何区别 请问一下省略号用英语怎么读啊比如一句话是这样的We say too...for somebody/something to do something我听别人好像把那个省略号读成布拉布拉,不知道这个单词是什么呢, 鲸鱼搁浅的原因 以how to be healthy为题目,写一篇大约70字作文, 省略号的英语怎么说 Mary's never late for school.'s 是is 还是 has 用什么动物来形容我国古代的英雄 古代形容动物叫声,如:虎啸,狼嚎,鹿( )鹿是什么?RT 怎样描写我的同桌要举列说明是女的,并且是四百字的作文,回答正确,还有额外的奖励!30日之内哦! 英语省略号“英语中,省略号是在行底”是什么意思?举个例子? 英语中省略号是…还是……? Write down your mistakes in your note-book.don,t forget 合并为一句话 Don't forget()(write) your name on the card. The rain is very heavy.(改为感叹句)____ ____ the rain is! How to be a healthy child?英语作文 轮船上加锌来保护轮船不被腐蚀是采用了牺牲阳极阴极保护法吗? 请问live your dream的live是什么意思? never too old to live your dream Live Your Dream 歌词 翻译 live your dreamscape德芙心声里的~错了,是live your dreams 关于how和what的感叹句的选择题26.______ it took you to finish the work!A.What much time B.What a lot of time C.How long time D.How lots of time如果用how怎么改? It was her giggling that drew my attention.Note taking really wasnt all that funny. 【英语阅读】 A year ago,I paid no attention to English idioms (习惯用语),though my teacher saidA year ago,I paid no attention to English idioms (习惯用语),though my teacher said that they were important.One day,I happened to meet an Eng He talked at the top of his voice,______ he drew noboby's attention.a.instead b.so c.yet d.though 选那个? the teacher asked us to stand to attention,with our hands behind. 船舶系泊阶段,即下水后,如何进行有效的船体保护,免受杂散电缆的影响,引起电化学腐蚀?