
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:05:03
The idea ▁▁▁ they came up with was very good. A. then B. it C./ D.what 现在初三都不懂老师说什么?w我如果现在开始补初二的课程.是不是就容易听懂初三的呢?这样补了后有效吗?在第二学期总复习还能追的上初三的吗?大家给我能追上的办法啊.一年后就考了. We should share in our sorrows as well as 城南旧事300字读后感急! 疑问词的用法how soon how longhow farhow often等疑问词的意思,用法还有甚么别的常用疑问词 was it Teachers’Day yesterday连词成句并翻译成汉语 There's something__her that I really don't like A.with B.for C.to D.about急 Please don't walk away I see you're about to There is just something I'd really like to say So pleas翻译成中文 It's a good idea to join in some________(活动) at weekends. 用所给词的适当形式填空:It's a good idea .(speak) English every day. It ___ a good idea.A hearsB is heardC soundsD is sounded 我该上高一了 该买一些什么辅导书呢? 上高一最好的辅导书是什么?除了课本以外,讲的书,练题的书都要`! 某市在道路改造过程中,需要铺设一条长为1000米的管道,决定由甲、乙两个工程队来完成这个工程.已知甲工程队比乙工程队每天能多铺设20米,且甲工程队铺设350米所用的天数与乙工程队铺设250 我上高一了,求好的参考书 我马上就上高一了,应该选择哪种辅导书呢?我马上就上高中了,不知道什么书好,谢谢(原因是什么) 马上要上高一 求推荐辅导书我物理是天敌,超级弱,所以.每科都推荐一本,一定要好谢谢...最好有点说明就更好了~ 用am is are填空 1.Where ____the Jeans?2they___a shirt.3.___these your socks?4.Where_the Jeans? I really like you but i don't know how to do it I don't really stand beijing opera,but( )of my parents like it a lotA .either B、both c、all 我确实不喜欢...是I don't really like还是I really don't like where ( ) your nose 用is.am.are填空. 四年级下学期第一单元词语盘点的四字成语有哪些 在实数等比数列{an}中,a2=3,a5=24,则数列a1,a4,a7,a10,···的通项公式为 实数等比数列an中a2=3 a5=24则数列a1,a4,a7,a10,···的通项公式为我想知道为什么我这么做不对,想不通b(x)=b(1)*q^(x-1)=(3/2)*8^[(n+2)/3-1] where am me from是对的还是where am I from是对的为什么 Where is her father from? 张海迪一身的成就有哪些 西游记里唐僧从哪来要去哪里取经? 西游记里唐僧取经的缘由 will be句型和be going to的句型的区别及用法? How old is your mather