
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:12:05
language is Dutch.She speaks Noruegian____ language ____ language is Noruegian french is pretty language. french is a pretty language. 哪个对,为什么? l believe you my language is dutch i`m from netherlands iTs ineurope 杂合红花豌豆自交,其后代可能是 A30﹪纯和红花 B50﹪杂合红花 C50﹪ 杂合白花 D50﹪纯和白花 Wehad (four) lessons in the morning last term.(对括号部分提问) Sandra ---to school for two years.What -----to her 为什么用hasn't come,has happened? 最后的四首歌 FOUR LAST SONGS怎么样 last four rows 意思是不是在最后四行 What about having a trip to Hangzhou next Sunday?同意句What about having a trip to Hangzhou next Sunday?_____ _____ have a trip to Hangzhou next Sunday?At that moment Xiao Li wasn't old enough to go to school.At that moment Xiao Li was ______ ____ What about ____(go)there next sunday?用所给What about ____(go)there next sunday?用所给词的适当形式填空 如何翻译:“廉将军虽老,尚善饭,然与臣坐,顷之三遗矢矣.” Youth means an unreliable power of the appetite for advnture over the love of ease.这句话怎样翻译? the means of同义句啊 You can hardly imagine the We had___ in touch with him againA:gettingB:KeepingC:to getD:keptYou can hardly imagine the trouble We had___ in touch with him again. 史记高祖本纪开头为“高祖置酒罗阳南宫”,结尾为“此其所以为我擒也.”这一段就行. “我们千千万万颗心在跳荡“改比喻句! 我非柠檬为何心酸 后半句 亲们, 我非柠檬为何心酸繁体字怎样写 women of achievement成功女性事迹,英文,在100字左右, 求人教高中英语必修4 women of achievement原文 青草、绿叶、红花,是我们姐妹,麋鹿、骏马、雄鹰是我们的兄弟.这是比喻还是拟人呢为什么是比喻?我也认为应该是比喻.可就是有拟人的争论?..为什么你也认为它是个比喻而不是拟人句呢? some study that i usea to know的原版叫什么呢?没人知道吗? How old is sally这句话对吗 what is Sally?那么与 who is Sally?有区别 Is Sally is father a bank clery? 万有引力定律说自然界中任何两个物体之间都是相互吸引的,那么是不是每个人之间也是相互吸引的?请物理高手来帮我证明怎么才能通过万有引力定律来增强彼此的吸引呢?所谓的质点是指 12、自然界中 物体都是相互吸引的;两个物体间的引力的大小,跟它们的质量的乘积成正比,跟 成反比.公式 should i be worried about you?be的用法,可以省略吗 自然界中什么的冲刷与搬运力最大? 自然界中的狼的作用要多点啊 Tony's grandfather is a___ He looks like a young man. He looks like as young as ever.这句yong是不是要用副词啊 young副词是什么呢