
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:05:24
有关如何培养良好习惯?多说些 培养良好习惯的故事短的 一个英文单词 发音好像是 欧神 怎么拼写啊?求教 我是怎样培养良好习惯的 玻璃的英语单词 玻璃的英语单词是什么? 这句话啥意思?You must make it clear that no harm comes to her.你必须使它干净,不能伤害 到来的她?comes to her.看起来很别扭... 如何养成良好习惯 英文,樱花单词怎么写? I have made it clear that have nothing to do with the accident.请帮忙翻译这个句子 这是什么从句?I have made it clear that I will never go back on my word.I have made it clear that I will never go back on my word.句中that 引导什么从句? Have I made myself clear?请问这句话的句法是什么啊?它的意思是:我讲清楚了吗?但是我不太懂,怎样才能将它翻译为这句话呢?每个词又是怎样理解的呢?我英语不好,还请大家不要见笑, 门,窗户,脚,床,房子,车的英文单词 门英文单词别搬出什么大道理啊!听不懂!只要单词! 谁能把星门一词翻译成英文 He made ( ) clear ( ) he was not interested in this subject添代词 英文单词指资金“冻结”,发音是“到门”,求拼写? His sudden disappearance made _ clear.A.him B.this C.that D.it——Do you think Tom has something to do with the matter?——I'm afraid so.His sudden disappearance made _ clear.A.him B.this C.that D.it His sudd要翻译句子 门的英语怎么写 this experience made her --- (interested in English)-------为什么横线里不填 be interested in 呢英语填空题:this experience made her ---(interested in English)----- make 后既可以加动词原形 又能加形容词 .而be inte Few__words made us interested in this topic.(speak) 选哪个,请给出原因.A.make it clear B.make that clear C.make this clear D.make clearThis is the most important assignment facing American journalism-to____________to the readers the problems of the day,and make international news as undersatand 养成保护环境良好的习惯的英语怎么说 make sth. to sb.=? 是make sth to sb还是make sth for sb? make sb.to sth.make sb.to sth.是我之前在课上抄的笔记.整理笔记时看到,觉得不太通,牛津中阶词典上也没有. 请问是make sth to sb 还是make sth for sb 原题目是这样的 Let's make a beautiful card _______ our teacher .A.for B.to C.on make sb to 请用英语翻译“我们应该与毒品斗争到底.”“我们已经习惯了早起早睡” 请用英语翻译“我们应该与毒品斗争到底.”与“我们已经习惯了早起早睡” "你一定要早起早睡,也不要再以什么理由而不去吃饭,最后请记住一点,少吸烟,少喝酒"急求英文翻译、、 英语翻译中国是一个历史悠久的国家,在中国有很多的风俗习惯和讲究.请你就以下几个方面写一篇关于介绍中国风俗习惯的文章,内容要点如下:1.初次见面时和别人握手以示友好 2.和他人一起