
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:18:44
什么是逆时针旋转 2009年外教社·卡西欧杯初中组 The Grimm Brothers just completed letters A to ___ and did not finish the rest of the German dictionary.A.J B.L C.F D.I 怎么旋转,逆时针旋转180度. 外教社卡西欧杯答案快呀!第二届的哟 有谁认识这写的是什么字这是一个瓷器底部的印章 高中课本单词表有多少个单词? 发英文电邮向外国的官方组织 比如伦敦奥组委之类的 发送电邮 需要注意什么 有一些常用语么 比如 称呼之类的 如果能提供一篇模板或者是范文就更加感谢了 Not until many years later( )knownA:was the whole truth B:did the whole 3Q “You did not marry until many years later I never married,then we can get married”中文怎么说 ______many years later_______the whole truth become known.A It was,that B Not until,didC It was,before D Until,did答案是B 请问这种题目怎么看?那用A 强调句为什么不可以呢? 如何理解美国南北战争为美国“扫除了资本主义发展的又一大障碍”之说 填单词补对话hi,bill!welcome to my room.thanks.your (r )is nice 根据对话,填合适的词A:Hello!B:Nice to meet you.____ is it going with you?A:Fantastic!I came back from ____ three days ago.B:Beijing?It's ____ of my favorite cities.A:I like it very much.It's ____ an interesting city.B:____ did you go there?St 帮我在对话中填一个词A:You can also take a train.B:That must be a lot slower than the plane.A:Yes,but it gives you ____ to see the countryside. 独立战争为美国资本主义发展扫清什么障碍 什么的对话填合适的词语 要有音标的有没有完整的人教版初中英语单词表,一定要有音标和汉语解释的,大家谁有的麻烦告诉下, 含有字母U的开音节单词有音标,汉语意思,人教版初中课本 小学英语课本单词列表中没有音标,怎样教授会更好啊? .- Tomorrow is my birthday.- __________.A.Oh,I have a good idea.B.I am glad you like it.C.Many happy returns of the day!D.You must be very happy 读英语文章时语调该怎么调整请不要复制那些没用的东西给我,我读英文报纸时读音不知道要怎么发音,语调怎么调整都觉得太做作,由于文章很长,上一句结尾时用了降调,下一句的结尾就不知 我想知道怎样才能把英语课文读的有语调呢? 21.It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book. Not until l began to work _ how much time l had wasted.A.have l realized B.l have realizedC.did l realize D.l realized 电子邮件是啥 根据汉语提示完成下列英语句子,每空一次.在六月一日儿童放假一天.Children____ a day ___ on june 1.我们不应该对中学生太严格.We ____ ____ __ strict ___ middle school students.开车时驾驶员的注意力要集中 根据汉语提示,完成下面的句子 英语1、在男子接力赛中,我们班赢得了第一名.Our class ____ ____ ____ place in boy's relay race2、我希望有一天能参加运动会.I hope some day .I'll _____ ___ __ take part in the Olympi 刚刚到美国不到4天,口语很烂,听不懂别人说的话就去上学今天第一天上学 已经晚了一个月了,在学校什么也听不懂 我觉得压力很大 怎么办?我想的是先休学到明年开学 先把口语练好 请问这样 没听清楚 别人说的话,如何要求 对方重复?请问:当用英语交谈中,没听清别人的话,有哪些语句可以用来要求对方重复刚才的话?多多益善! 别人说的话 , 我没听明白 Please help translate the following sentence:DEBRA STEWART:"Remember,applications do not necessarily convert to enrollment.So about forty-seven percent of all international applications to U.S.graduate schools actually come from students from China.B