
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:06:48
翻译:False friends are worse than open enemy. False friends are worse than open enemies False friends are wores than open enemies False friends are worse than bitter enemies Fales friends are wores than open enemies 敕勒歌是写的 lean这个词的用法有两种意思 i asked that i couldwhat did you say just now?I asked __________________A.that i could open the doorB.could i open the doorC.how could i open the doorD.how i could open the doorB,C肯定不对,那AD选哪个,我怎么感觉都i不对啊 怎么选择茶几大小? 急需人教新目标 版的初三下学期的英语单词的录音!Harry up! Harry up,or you'll miss the bus.(改为同义句)----______you ______ ______ up,you'll miss the bus. shouder by shouder .side by side ...say 怎么在word2003中制作表单我想在word2003制作一些常用的填表样单,但不知怎么弄,自己做的都太简单了又不美观,怎样才能快速的做出来又不费力呢?有步骤就好了 一个外语题Word formWord form 1、It was imperative that students ______(finish) their papers before July 1st.2、So far,Irving ______(live) in New York City for ten years.3、The patient ______(send) to another hospital before we got there.4、T 谁能告诉我天空有多少颗星星. 谁能告诉我天空有多少星星呢? 四川大学考博英语阅读题型难度怎么样,我去咨询博宸教育辅导班了,人家说的很详细,阅读理解30分,有6篇,每篇5个小题。 求初一英语句型大全!急只要可以可以举一反三的句子就行了,比如:Welcome to XXX 这里的XXX可以写很多地名,可以可以举一反三的句子就行了,至少要50个啊!一个一分!别给我写高中和大学的!还有, 谁能大概说下考博英语的题型最好是北大 人大 社科院的 They have their supper at six ten p.m.---------这句话有错吗? Aren't you Chinese?的肯定回答 钰冰,求女生英文名!找不到合适的女生英文名! 我叫才冰 女孩 起个什么英文名字好 大家给我选个好听的 女生,名字叫钰立,取什么英文名字好? 和冰有关的女生英文名 谁能教教我,星图怎么看,星图上的星星,在自己头上的天空要怎样表示? we have supper at six fifteen 改同义句Do you have this kind of shoes? we believe he is right,_______?不同的语法书,写的都不一样,到底主语包不包话"we" 同义转换I believe he is right----i beleve---- ---I believe he is right.I beleve ____ _____. 同义句 I believe he is rightI believe he is right=I believe ( )( ). I believe he is right 写出同义句 l __ ___ he ___ right. I believe he is right.的否定句,翻译!其他用法相似的词?