
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:43:17
What subjects do you do at school? 我终于见到了大海 诗歌100字 英语翻译3楼的我觉的答案还好,但是我觉的太短了,希望大家给长一点的 不要太直接。(我哥学英语的) 要有个性! 英文简历中民族怎么说?汉族又怎么说 "动手能力"英文怎么说?hand-working ability? 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 B___ is the first meal of day Here are some tomatoes .do you like t___根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 B___ is the first meal of day Here are some tomatoes .do you like t___Zhou jielun is a singing Urban farming is taking hold in some of the world's biggest cities请问如何翻译 please make good use of time ----- you will be always saying i have no timea and b or c but The pupil,who comes from the country,is starving ______ the friendship from ______ who come from the city.A.for; others B.about; some C.for; those D.about; the ones问一下能不能选择A 为什么? 这个字怎么读啊,《砼》请告诉我, Only one pupil ___ (come/comes)to school by ferry boat. some telephone show you the number of the phone from which the call is begin placed 翻译 Some of the studies show positive results,whereas others do not.这句英语怎么翻译 some of them miss the countryside怎么翻译 I have been using this kind of shampoo to wash my hair.You can try some.翻译 砼 怎么读? 翻译在线AS YOU CAN SEE,in some ways we look the same ,and in some ways we look different 同级医院来我院考察,欢迎横幅标语怎么写 We can see the influence of France in some ways,这句话怎么翻译 some might even describe her as a godness ,although I wouldn't myself.求翻译 英语翻译1.No litter!2.No entry!3.Not spitting!4.No smoking!5.Silence,please!6.Wet Paint!7.Beware of fire!8.Keep off the grass!9.Shut the door after you!10.Don't touch,please! 英语翻译求翻译legacy of some fantastic new green ways of getting about the city. 译Although some overlap exists in the scopes of practice of the LPN/LVNs and the RNs Sit down,please.(改为同义句)——————,please.大神们帮帮忙 求酒吧日常用语日常用语,为暑期所用!在 哪些动词所接宾语从句的谓语动词用should+do suggest后接带should的宾语从句中,should后应该接did还是do?是不是suggest表示不同的意思时,后面接的形式不同? 宾语从句中是不是一定要有谓语动词若不一定请给我举一些例子.在这句中,从句谓语动词是什么,which充当什么成分.She would like to live in which there are rivers and lakes. 第三道题不知道该怎做希望你帮我思考一下 1.把一根高30厘米的圆柱形铜锭放入盛满水的容器中,溢出了12360立方厘米的水.如果把这根圆柱形铜锭竖放在桌上,要占多大桌面?2.一根铁丝,第一次用去5分之2,第二次用去14米,剩下的与用去的 这次问三道题 希望给回答下1 已知数列an=3n+2 求数列bn(bn=a(2^n))前n项和Gn2 这个方程怎么解 1式:a1+2d=3a1d^2 2式: a1+4d=5a1d^43求和 Sn=1(1/3)+3(1/3)^2+5(1/3)^3+……+(2n-1)(1/3)^n(这个 command sb to do sth和command that sb should do区别