
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:44:35
我他妈就是一混蛋~帮找英文翻译~ biz 谁的缩写 近代民族工业发展的特点是什么? H F O Na的原子半径大小判断 怎么判断原子半径的大小?可不可以具体一点啊,比如举例说明~我是理白~我明天要期末考了,) what he said made me angry/afraid 哪个对? What you said makes me angry. What you said made me angry. 两句都可以吗. what you said made me.hesaidtome [angry] 你这个王八蛋翻译英文 television 简写 TV是哪部动漫的简写 处由利王八蛋怎样翻译成英文 我国民族产业发展现状怎样? 请归纳民族工业在不同时期的发展状况,从发展状况中你可以看出民族工业的发展具有什么特点? 北京二环、三环、四环、五环、六环分别多长? We went to the park yesterday.(next Monday)用所给词改写句子 物质呈酸性是因为氢离子还是氯离子 中国濒危野生动物(鱼类) 中国的鱼类有多少 什么是岩浆岩的结构 什么叫两榀钢架 隧道里一榀钢架是指整个一环还是每个台阶都算一榀的 查看胎儿性别,胎儿的染色体可以分辨的出来吗?.怀孕多久可以验胎儿染色体?具体母亲要要怎么验 英语翻译“我是混蛋” 中通船公司 的英文简写是什么呢? 谁知道船舶电气英语相关的书,像系统,设备名称,系统名称,缩写了不想去书店盲目的找书、 洋务运动时期教育出现的新特点 其作用是什么 洋务运动对中国教育的影响 did you read a magazine?what are you like?where did you go on your holiday?whendid you read a magazine?what are you like?where did you go on your holiday?when doyou eat lunch?where are you now?用英语回答急 There are 500 students in our school,45% (of whom)are boys.为什么要填"of whom",而不是"of them" There are 500 students in our school,45% ___ are boys.A.of which B.of whom C.of them D.in them为什么选B,而不是C 40% of the students in a school are boys.lf there are 240 boys ,how many students are there in the school