
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:52:21
根据词义写成语 比喻依靠别人说话 There _(be)an exhibition of art in the museum tomorrow.One of the _ (waiter) is his son.There are some _ flowers in the vase.They are _ beautiful.(real) If you are polite and helpful,you can make a lot of good friends _(easy).Walk _(cross) the road a 互相依靠,谁也不离开谁可以写成什么成语 劝别人不要依靠别人的成语有哪些 成语离不开“舌”形容信口胡说形容不善辞令形容随声附和 在一个五位数中,能被137整除的最大五位数,最小五位数各是几?要有格式啊!设这个最大/最小五位数为xxxxx∵xxxxx能被x/x、x整除∴x=几∵为最大/最小五位数∴x=几∵几几几xx能被x整除,且尽可能大 big There are a lot of wonderful Chinese painting____(see)in the Palace Museum 形容没有依靠,生活困苦的成语 There are lost of interest in Beijing,( ) ( ) the Great Wall ,The Palace Museum and the Summer Palace 急觅:表示没有依靠,生活困苦的成语! There are many______to visit in the Palace Museum.填空横线上是以 a 开头的单词 how many——( visit) are there in the museum?横线上填正确形式 A dog that trots about finds a 一个分数的分子加上它的分母,其分母不变,得到的数是原分数的8倍,原来的分数是多少? 一个分数的分子加上它的分母,所得的数是原分子的8倍,原来的分数是多少? Our country is becoming _______(beautiful).用所给词的适当形式填空. 从下列词中 选出三个或者三个以上的词语写一段话 哄堂大笑 能歌善舞 一无所有 赞叹不已 开山鼻祖 秩序井然蜂拥而至 随心所欲 毫无倦意安然无恙 和睦相处 崇山峻岭 1:点(a,b)在直线2X+3Y+1=O上,则4a+6b+3=?2:点A(-4,2m),B(5,1),C(m,2)在同一条直线上.那么m=?3:过点P(-2,-1)作直线L,使它与点A(3,-5)和B(1,1)的距离相等,则直线L的方程为? 求x=0的极限 A biack bag with a pencil case and some books in Room 401 on evening of Maich 6th 求翻译 We need a bag of r___,some bread,some drinks and so on.题目要求填写一个第一个字母是r的单词 here is some money in case you should need at.和 here were some money in case you should need at.哪个句子对? here is some money in case you should need it中的should在虚拟语气中不应该是在第一人称后吗?为啥这里在you后面? some ? is in the bag 在三角形ABC中,BC=15,AB/AC=7/8,sinB=(4倍根下3)/7求三角形的面积 三角形ABC中,角A为120度,AB=AC,BC=4根3,求三角形面积 在三角形ABC中,AB=3,BC=根13,AC=4,△ABC的面积是( ) the young woman ever (travel) to England 一个空is a young woman.1:another 2:the other 填那个 . He has just bought a new house in the city.(改为被动) They should have made sure it got back to me.