
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:13:43
为什么向日葵的花总是朝着太阳? 海贼王 - sailing day 歌词翻译中文 Sailing Days 歌词 “朝阳花”指的是什么? ---- what's he doing for vacation?---- he _______(babysit) his brother. on a school trip go on an outing是去远足,go on a school trip 这里的go on 小红看一本书,第一天看了7分之3,第二天比第一天多看了15页,这本书一共有多少页 my family usually like to eat——(apple) after supper适当形式填空 although the house we live in has all this furniture,there is still room__inA:turned around B:turning around C:turns around D:to turn around 选什么? I pray for a better tomorrow.翻译成中文 人类已知的宇宙中的星系有多少? 对号入座,沪,湘,琼,皖,粤,鲁 ,鄂,川,滇它们属于哪个省 鲁、川、粤、闽、苏、浙、湘和徽,英文怎么说? 拟人句的作用是什么? 用“不必说……也不必说……单是……”造句 150字左右 用”不必说……也不必说……单是“造句,说说寒假生活,不少于150字. 在玉米生长期间,如果发生大面积的虫害,对玉米的产量有什么影响?说明理由 求A Friend In London的 New Tomorrow的MP3 拟人句有什么好处谢谢 禾谷类是陆生生物还是水生生物? what can i do for you?i`d like to buy a present for my son,___ at a proper price but of great use.a` one b`the one c`which d`one为什么b c d是错的? the teacher wouldn't allow such a thing..wouldn't allow能改为will't allow don't allow吗 和汗流浃背的同意词都有那些啊?就是形容工作很辛苦的那些! 掉以轻心 汗流浃背 描写人出汗的好词好句,外加值勤作文与值勤的好词好句 拟人句的好处要50字以上 I must go to sleep now.(用had better改写) 拟人句的作用 日新月异的意思用日新月异造句。 “日新月异”中的“异”意思是(),这个成语常用来表示().很着急啊,快啊亲们! Sixty percent of voters supported the proposal and said they would ___ (willing) pay higher .Sixty percent of voters supported the proposal and said they would ___ (willing) pay higher taxes for better health care.括号中的词变为适当的形式