
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:01:27
请问okey和okay有啥子区别? Okey和OK有区别么?可以互用么…… On my birthday ,my friends gave me many __________(礼物) Did his team ________(赢) the match?On my birthday ,my friends gave me many __________(礼物)Did his team ________(赢) the match?In 2015 ,I will go to Beijing and study at When the time (1)____ ,a man puts a plate of the new dog food in front ofWhen the time (1)____ (1) A comes B goes C has D leaves what do you often do ()dinner fall down 7 times stand up 如题 They are many shops on___sides of the streetA.both B.every C.on D.through They are on a cycling t ___ of the park What kind of transportation do you use most often? It's not safe drive too fast中哪里有错的(为什么) 网络爱情可信嘛现在很流行网络爱情.请发表一下你对网络爱情的看法.昨晚看过万风主持的节目.昏迷.万风可真够疯的. 网络爱情可信么? 网络爱情可信吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 网络爱情可靠吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 绝句二首(其二) 杜甫 江碧鸟逾白,山青花欲燃.今春看又过,何日是归年?逾的意思?燃的意思?是写什么时候的?理由是什么? 想知道新概念出来的作家的作品.详细点!就是郭敬明他们这一类的作家. 新概念2的故事真实吗?···估计是假的的········· Jim thinks this book is ______ (help) to us. What the hell am I doing here? what do you see where the white lines cross的意思 we should look ___ and ____when we cross the street the book is interesting.lt is helpful .= the book is ____ _____ interesting ____ ___ helpful 翻译 I often ask myself that what is the hell am I doing 参加两会的都是什么人?我说的是县级别的人大和政协会议.除了人大领导和政协领导外还有谁?除了这些人外,有没有其他非人大代表或政协委员的人可以列席参加,比如县直部门的领导(非人 两会 用英语怎么说正在召开的两会名称用英语怎么说? 谁知道"两会"的英语怎么说? 两会英语怎么说? “小李工作很认真”在句型上 是主谓句中的什么句 急求15篇250字的报纸读后感,什么报纸都行【除了英文报纸】其实我看了很多报纸了,但是怎么也写不出15篇250字的读后感,请各位搜到了以后复制上来或者传给我.Q:1148853112scc317,你这是抄的, the glass star的翻译, 跪求“The Glass Star”翻译答案.急、急、急! 英语翻译回答也帮偶想下好不?