
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:18:48
日本的经济中心,文化中心,科技中心分别在哪些城市?同标题 To the world you are only person,but to me you are my whole word. 英语翻译男But when will we find the person?女Now I have found a person whom I need!男Do you think that is really right?女I believe he is my best choise. 帮手翻译 to the world you are just one person.to somenone you are the whole world什么意思啦!不明白... she__(play)the piano every day?play怎么变来着,有什么技巧 1 she practices to play the piano for many years改错2 I did not understand what you said .改为同义句 3 昨天他在回家的路上出事了.用英语翻译4 1 世界上最高的山是喜马拉雅山.2尼罗河是世界上最长的河流.3世 let's go shopping!同义句 __ we __ __ he practices playing the piano every daay为什么play要加ing而 I see wei han read eng _____Tom_______(have)to do his homework?She practices________(play) the piano everyday.What are some of the ______(rule)?They have to wear ______for gym class.______ I smoke here? Come on baby this day had to come sometime you know that翻译 You that love him,believed he certainly can come Everything Can Start again, Start It Again 歌词 so start again解释 Tks again翻译成中文是什么意思 碰碰车怎么玩我玩的时候怎么老倒退啊 其中的时间玩碰碰车,其中,指的是什么 售楼员用英语怎么说? 售楼中心用英语怎么说或者是销售中心 售楼特价 的英语怎么说 The rain has stopped____ (完全地)初三英语导学练上的..需要正确答案 如何售房 We'll start at once if the rain has stopped. 天地网碰碰车场地一平方米需要多少钱?各位前辈们,我一个穷苦年轻人,想了解一下一个九十平方米的天地网碰碰车场地,一平米需要多少钱?十台车又要多少钱?主要是考虑能足够长的保证营业 ()的新闻 ()的故事 ()的消息()的知识用四字词语填空 用新闻报道的方法写一次体育比赛 请问口语学英音好还是美音好? 口语美音英音那个跟好学 How does Love Teeth Day come? 改错 .1.This is the twin's bedroom.In this room.2.You can see two bed and a big desk. 3.On the desk there is a old photo of their familly.4.Their mother look young in the photo. 碰碰车的英文是什么? 思维碰碰车一天,黑猫警长接到报案电话,在花狐狸酒吧和唐老鸭酒吧之间,发生了一起凶杀案!黑猫警长马上赶往出事的地点.经过现场的勘查初步表明,被害者小山羊死在路边的草丛里,凶杀应该