
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 06:27:24
.my full name is bill alan green is my family name .My first name is bill .and my middle name is--people dou't use their middle names very mvch 翻译 有首英文歌,只隐约记得几句歌词:you love me more then you did before歌词 在then前面唱出来是有间断的 love me more then you did before... 哪位能为我解惑,这是哪一首? 帮我起个英文名,男生,根据中文名起我的中文名叫张驰,目前他们把chi 读成qi不好听,请根据我的名,起一个年轻的,发音类似一点或意义相近的英文名吧. 【高手帮下】根据_中文名_起个_男性_英文名.日常中要使用,麻烦大家根据中文名起个英文名,薛汉章. _(us)are from Beijing 同义句:This is my camera.2.Are those bags theirs?3.Is that bike hers? -Ia this your bike?-Yes,this is怎么改 Mike,is that new bike __?Yes.My mother bought it for me yesterday.Ayou B.your C.yours D.yourself我英语有点烂,做不来呵呵,我可以考虑采纳为满意回答哦 男英文名,中文名:林枫最好和中文名音相关,谢谢 谁能给我起个英文名,男孩 19岁,中文名岑(cen)庆枫.时尚一点! 用英语怎么翻译"山环水绕,景色怡人’ there is no doubt whether和there is no doubt that 的区别? 去商场购物是,被扫描过的条码,还具有磁性吗? 哪里有需要磁性标签或者周转箱的.我们这里是专业生产磁性标签、周转箱的工厂.价格低廉.3x7磁性标签仅需 0.65元/个 530x360x230周转箱仅需19.8元/个 北京室内要多管送哦 超市里的商品,除了带磁的标签,还有自带磁性的吗? no living things can live without the light and heat from it,可以替换without的if haven't B.if there is C.if there is no D.if hasn't 1.定语从句:We can"t live without the sun ___ ____we get heat and light.答案是with which,为什么不是from regarded as后可以加 adj?e.g.What once was regarded as impossible has now become a reality. We can not live without air or( )快 丝绸之路主要经过哪些地区?主要商品是什么?丝绸之路的开辟有什么作用? 伊索寓言中《龟兔赛跑》的寓意还要《狼来了》《农夫和蛇》《狐狸和葡萄》《蚊子和狮子》的寓意 伊索寓言的文言文版(龟兔赛跑) 伊索寓言《龟兔赛跑》的写是什么道理 龟兔赛跑是伊索寓言么 伊索寓言中有没有龟兔赛跑? 跪求怎样看写了几句话?句话、问号、感叹号之外…分号和省略号可以吗 问号、感叹号、书名号、冒号、省略号用键盘怎么打 there is no doubt that..表示毫无疑问..有没有it is no doubt that...我想要确定的答案噢 如果你完全肯定的就告诉我 feel 过去式句型A:What did you do yesterday?B:I went hiking.A:对你昨天所做的事情,感觉怎么样是用How did you feel yesterday?B:I felt happy.感觉用feel过去式felt没错吧?B的回答是过去式的,但不一定是went hikin we can't live without(没有) a____ 过去式句型结构 live,can,only,one,for,or,two,without,about,we,weeks,food 连词成句.特急! 英语阅读题:My name is Jim.Today is my (b ).Dad and mom (b ) ma a big cake.I'm twelve now.I英语阅读题:My name is Jim.Today is my (b 1 ).Dad and mom (b 2 ) ma a big cake.I'm twelve now.I like cakes.On the (t 3 ) of my bedroom you (c 4) se 英语翻译(1)驴行野,闻草虫鸣,悦焉,而欲效其声.问曰:"尔食饮何属,而鸣如此?"虫曰:"亦饮露耳."驴审饮露善,乃去刍而露饮.积十日,驴死.(2)冬,蚁出曝其夏取之栗,他虫饥,过其侧,乞栗与蚁.蚁曰:"而